
libomxil-0.2: omxmp3dectest - error decoding

  • Martin

    Martin - 2008-02-26

    Hi everybody,

    I receive errors such as the one below whenever I try to decode an mp3 with omxmp3dectest built with libomxil-0.2.
    I have build logs as well if required.  I suspect I am building with the wrong version of something.....

    [mp2 @ 0xb7420ac8]Header missing skipping one byte.
    [mp2 @ 0xb7420ac8]Header missing skipping one byte.
    [mp2 @ 0xb7420ac8]incorrect frame size
    ALSA Underrun..
    Ouch! In mp3FillBufferDone: no data in the output buffer!
    Ouch! In mp3FillBufferDone: no data in the output buffer!

    OS = Ubuntu 7.10, and my FFmpeg version is ->

    FFmpeg version SVN-r12186, Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
      libavutil version: 49.6.0
      libavcodec version: 51.50.1
      libavformat version: 52.7.0
      libavdevice version: 52.0.0
      built on Feb 25 2008 16:15:26, gcc: 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2)
    FFmpeg SVN-r12186
    libavutil   3212800
    libavcodec  3355137
    libavformat 3409664
    libavdevice 3407872



    • Pankaj Sen

      Pankaj Sen - 2008-02-26

      Hi Martin,

      The error is from ffmpeg library. This version was tested on the following(README):

      FC2 (with ffmpeg-0.4.8),
      FC4 (with ffmpeg-0.4.9),
      Mandriva 2006.0,
      Ubuntu 5.10,
      CentOS 4.1.

      Also, these are very old version. Why don't you try latest release libomxil/branches/rel_0_3_3(Oct 22,2007) or check out from the trunk.

      FYI, We will soon release a new version.


    • Martin

      Martin - 2008-02-28

      Hi Pankaj,

      I tried building libomxil-B-0.3.3 with the same version of ubuntu & ffmpeg as I used above.  I am still not having much luck.  Which specific versions of ffmpeg etc are required?

      I am currently downloading FC6 to see if that will work better.

      When I try to register the components I get the following message -:

      jars@jars-desktop:~/WORK/libomxil-B-0.3.3$ sudo /usr/local/bin/omxregister
      OMX-could not load /usr/local/lib/omxilcomponents/ /usr/local/lib/omxilcomponents/ undefined symbol: omx_base_component_GetConfig
      OMX-could not load /usr/local/lib/omxilcomponents/ /usr/local/lib/omxilcomponents/ undefined symbol: av_log
      OMX-could not load /usr/local/lib/omxilcomponents/ /usr/local/lib/omxilcomponents/ undefined symbol: cos

      When I try and run the mp3 decoder example (omxaudiodectest) I get the following message -:

      jars@jars-desktop:~/WORK/libomxil-B-0.3.3/test/components/audio$ sudo ./omxaudiodectest ~/Music/piano.mp3
      Options selected:
      Decode file /home/jars/Music/piano.mp3 to  alsa sink without tunneling
      Format selected MP3
      GENERAL TEST test_OMX_ComponentNameEnum
      component 0 is
      component 1 is
      component 2 is
      component 3 is
      GENERAL TEST test_OMX_ComponentNameEnum result -2147479538
      GENERAL TEST test_OMX_RoleEnum
      OMX-no component match in whole template list has been found
      Not able to retrieve the number of roles of the given component
      GENERAL TEST test_OMX_RoleEnum result -2147479549
      GENERAL TEST test_OMX_ComponentEnumByRole
      Getting number of components per role for audio_decoder.ogg
      Number of components per role for audio_decoder.ogg is 1
      The components are:
      GENERAL TEST test_OMX_ComponentEnumByRole result OMX_ErrorNone
      GENERAL TEST test_OpenClose
      OMX-Component not found with current ST static component loader.
      No component found
      GENERAL TEST test_OpenClose result -2147479549
      OMX-Component not found with current ST static component loader.
      FileReader Component Not Found



    • Pankaj Sen

      Pankaj Sen - 2008-02-28

      Hi Martin,

      I think you have installed(by default) omxil libraries in  /usr/local/lib and binaries in /usr/local/bin.

      You can add /usr/local/bin in your PATH and export LD_LIBRARTY_PATH=/usr/local/lib. Also verify you have ffmpeg development libraries and headers.

      Then execute "omxregister -v" , it will create a .omxregistry in your home folder. "-v" option will show all the components available.


    • Giulio Urlini

      Giulio Urlini - 2008-02-28

      Hi Martin,
      your problem is that the libraries are not aligned.
      SO in the ffmpeg library are missing some functions that are used by the OpenMAX component.
      Regarding the Ubuntu we have tried with a recent subversion revision, 12163.
      If the loading of a component fails, it is not available so the test fails.
      Regarding the fbdev error, we should check internally.
      Meanwhile a new release has been delivered, so you probably can download the latest tarball.



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