
Howto to compile w/ autoconf/make

  • Jérôme Kerdreux

    I wish to build omniEvents on my debian system but i can't a platform in config that feet with my needs.

    As the .tgz doesn't contain i can't use the standard ./configure .

    So what is the best way to do this ?

    omniORB-4.0.1 / automake .. / GCC 3.2

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-05-15

      Hi there,

      Well, since omniEvents depends on the old
      omniORB build system, you really should use
      that to build first omniORB and then omniEvents.
      I know, the old system is not nice to work with,
      but in your case i would think, adapting one of
      the linux platform defines etc to your needs
      should be fairly simple, but then again i have not
      worked on debian;)
      GCC 3.2 might also be a bit of a problem for
      omniEvents, but it is worth a try. OmniEvents
      compiles nicely with gcc2.95.3, but the newer
      gcc versions are much stricter with respect to
      standards conformance, so you might encounter
      interesting things.
      Things have been busy here with other things,
      but work on a new major release of omniEvents
      is planned, and it is my hope, that it will materialise
      in a month or two.

      Yours sincerely,



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