
DMX Query in Olap4j

  • Webcet

    Webcet - 2013-11-06

    Hello All,

    Is there any plan to support DMX querying through olap4j? OR
    Is there any other java package that supports DMX query?

    All help will be Appreciated

  • Julian Hyde

    Julian Hyde - 2013-11-06

    Is there any plan to support DMX querying through olap4j?

    Not currently. Feel free to log a feature request.

    Is there any other java package that supports DMX query?

    I don't know of one.

  • Webcet

    Webcet - 2013-11-07

    In the below QueryString is a DMX query

       RowSet Avgresult = statement.executeQuery(QueryString);

    we get run time error on return type.


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