
connection pooling

  • DataSurfer

    DataSurfer - 2007-12-18

    "DataSource dataSource; // a data source using a connection pool
    Connection connection =
    "jdbc:mondrian:local:Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart;" +
    "Catalog=/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml;" +
    "Role='California manager'");
    OlapConnection olapConnection =
    OlapStatement statement = olapConnection.createOlapStatement();"
    -- 2.2.1

    Please forgive my ignorance.

    How does the above connection come from a connection pool?

    I have a dataSource that is retrived like so:

    Context ctx = new InitialContext();
    DataSource dataSource = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/myJDBCResource");

    How do I get an olapConnection to an in process mondrian instance with the above dataSource used as the fact table?

    • DataSurfer

      DataSurfer - 2007-12-18

      Maybe I am asking the wrong question...

      How do I setup a connection pool to an in process mondrian instance in Glassfish?

    • DataSurfer

      DataSurfer - 2007-12-18

      On a side note I think I found a few errata in the spec (

      DriverManager.createConnection(...) //should be getConnection(...)?
      OlapStatement statement = olapConnection.createOlapStatement() //should be createStatement()?

      • Julian Hyde

        Julian Hyde - 2007-12-18

        Oops. Right on both counts. I've corrected the spec.


    • DataSurfer

      DataSurfer - 2007-12-18

      On a side note I think I found a few errata in the spec (

      DriverManager.createConnection(...) //should be getConnection(...)?

      OlapStatement statement = olapConnection.createOlapStatement() //should be createStatement()?

    • Julian Hyde

      Julian Hyde - 2007-12-18

      Oops; over-zealous copy-paste in the spec. The example should have read as follows:

      DataSource dataSource; // a data source using a connection pool
      Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
      OlapWrapper wrapper = (OlapWrapper) connection;
      OlapConnection olapConnection = wrapper.unwrap(OlapConnection.class);
      OlapStatement statement = olapConnection.createOlapStatement();

      For the data source, use an implementation which allocates connections using DriverManager.getConnection and stores the results in a pool. You don't need anything olap4j-specific.

      The implementation of the data source was left as an exercise to the reader (!). For instance, if you were using apache-commons-DBCP, you would combine PoolingDataSource with DriverManagerConnectionFactory, like this:

      GenericObjectPool connectionPool =
      new GenericObjectPool(null);
      ConnectionFactory connectionFactory =
      new DriverManagerConnectionFactory(
      "jdbc:mondrian:local:Jdbc=jdbc:odbc:MondrianFoodMart;" +
      "Catalog=/WEB-INF/queries/FoodMart.xml;" +
      "Role='California manager'")
      PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory =
      new PoolableConnectionFactory(
      PoolingDataSource dataSource =
      new PoolingDataSource(connectionPool);

      See for more examples of DBCP.


    • DataSurfer

      DataSurfer - 2007-12-18

      Just thinking out loud here. Maybe this will be useful to someone else.

      A connection pool must exist independently of any web app on the app server.

      So an appserver can't define a connection pool to a service that resides inside a web app eg an in process mondrian instance.

      So if I want to define a connection pool in my app server, the mondrian service has to also exist independently of the web app and independently of the app server as well.

      I could create a connection pool inside the web app itself, but that sounds like more work than just running a seperate standalone mondrian instance.

      Does mondrian have a facility for running as an independent service?

      • Julian Hyde

        Julian Hyde - 2007-12-18

        When you use mondrian in-process, say in an app server, it automatically uses the same instance of mondrian whenever it can. It uses a pool of schemas stored in a static map and if two apps in the same JVM ask for connections to a schema with the same URI they will share a cache etc.

        So, you don't need to worry about that aspect of pooling when you use mondrian. A connection pool layer will cache at a slightly higher level, and save a few steps in the process of creating a connection.



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