
Run server with no GUI

  • swalter

    swalter - 2007-08-21

    Hi - nice work.  I am doing a demo on a short schedule and little budget.  Oddjob really filled a niche and is saving a lot of time.

    I have multiple server PCs and one client PC.  I would like to run Oddjob in the background on all the server PCs, with the GUI running only on the client PC.  I plan on running the server Oddjobs with the Java Service Wrapper.

    My question: Is there a way to run an Oddjob server without the GUI popping up?  I would like to control all of the Oddjob server instances from just the one GUI running of the client PC.

    I'm sure I can change code and make it work the way I need it to, but I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss a flag or option in the documentation.

    Thanks, Scott

    • swalter

      swalter - 2007-08-22

      Crud - never mind.  Everything works just as I need it to as long as I don't start the GUI as the top level job - duh.

    • Rob Gordon

      Rob Gordon - 2007-09-06

      Sorry for not replying - I've been on holiday for the last few weeks. should give you some pointers if you're still having problems.



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