
OggMux - multiplexer for ogg media files / News: Recent posts

OggMux Released

The new version fixes the split size bug when 700 MB is selected. The only new feature is the ability to pre-fill MovieInfo dialog with information taken from the job parameters.

Comming soon: Matroska support

Posted by Nicholas J. Fiorello Jr. 2003-07-19

OggMux Released

This new release of OggMux includes some major changes under the hood in preparation for the creation of a new GUI. Error handling has been improved and jobs will no longer continue after critical errors.

Added features include "sticky language selections". If the first soundtrack in your mux job is English and your second is Japanese, the next time you run OggMux it will offer you English as your first soundtrack language and Japanese as your second.... read more

Posted by Nicholas J. Fiorello Jr. 2003-05-25

New project member!


Megish was so kind to join the project and added a bunch of features and cleanups to OggMux! A warm welcome in this place :)

We are thinking of a major GUI redesign at the moment. Stay tuned!

Best regards

Posted by Dirk Knop 2003-02-21

Finally - delay for ogg audio files!

Thanks to Suiryc who wrote that code it is now possible to add delay to ogg encoded files while muxing.
Remember that it'll need temp space to create the delayed file.

aka Koepi

Posted by Dirk Knop 2003-02-14

Version 0.9.4 of OggMux published

This new release of OggMux supports extended movie information within the OGM. Tobias added support for that to his splitter directshow filter, so the information given gets shown in windows media player.
I removed the variable splitsize stuff from the sources again as it was buggy, automisation files couldn't set a splitsize - and sometimes the values didn't get read even if typed in manually.

I hope you enjoy this new release.... read more

Posted by Dirk Knop 2002-10-25

OggMux 0.9.3 released!

I'm glad to announce a new OggMux version, 0.9.3!
I tried to add the possibility to finally multiplex ac3 files into your OGM containers. Unfortunately you can't mux ac3 directly. You have to convert them into a so-called "ac3-wav" first. This can be done with BeSweet ( ), it simply adds a short wav-header to the ac3.
This is experimental and I don't know if it works at all! When adding such an ac3-wav you have to set quality to 0, OggMux doesn't encode the wav then but directly multiplexes it into the stream.... read more

Posted by Dirk Knop 2002-10-09

OggMux-0.9.2 is out!

MWillberg was so nice to help the development, he changed the splitting feature so you can now enter the number of MBs which your files should have!

Thanks for your help mwillberg,

Best regards,

Posted by Dirk Knop 2002-08-27

NEW: cleaned up sources

I removed most of the german comments which were generated by visual studio. It should be easier to read the sources now.

My own comments are all in english anyways, so the vital functions weren't affected anyways.

Posted by Dirk Knop 2002-08-15

OggMux goes opensource!

Finally I managed to go opensource with OggMux. This was requested by many people, and I don't want to deny this wish.

I hope that OggMux develops into a real killer application now ;)

So far, so good - now it's up to you to help this project to get alive! Doom9 did his best to help as he announced this news.

Thank you for using OggMux!


Posted by Dirk Knop 2002-08-15