Further research finds that the newest version of mil-std-2411 was released on March 28, 2000, which is the date the Erdas Imagine archive has in its header.

I would suggest using the filename field rather than the date to detect the length of the NITF header:

const char * find_last_of(const char *haystack, char needle)
const char *last_ptr = 0;
const char *cur_ptr = haystack;

while ( (cur_ptr = strchr(cur_ptr, needle)) != NULL)
last_ptr = cur_ptr;

return last_ptr;

if (strcmp(NITF, "NITF") == 0) /* Match: skip NITF hdr */
const char *file_only = find_last_of(filename, DIR_CHAR);

fseek(fin,413, SEEK_SET) ;
fseek(fin, 3, SEEK_CUR) ; /* Key off date, pos 3 in RPF header */
fread( rpf_filename, sizeof(rpf_filename), 1, fin);

if (strncmp(rpf_filename, file_only, strlen(file_only)) == 0) /* Check for short 413 hdr */
file->NITF_hdr_len = 413L;
else /* Else long 426 hdr */
file->NITF_hdr_len = 426L;