
#4 rpcgen cleanup scripts

OGDI Core (13)

Some or all of the perl scripts used to cleanup after rpcgen don't
work as expected. For instance, run on Linux against
the ecs_svc.c.raw produces uncompilable code:

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/warmerda/iii/devdir/ogdi/gltpd/OBJ.linux'
gcc -I.. -I/home/warmerda/iii/devdir/ogdi/include -I/home/warmerda/iii/devdir/proj -I/home/warmerda/iii/devdir/external/zlib -I/home/warmerda/iii/devdir/include/linux -g -W -Wall -ansi -fPIC -DUNIX=1 -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_LINUX -c -o ecs_svc.o ../ecs_svc.c
../ecs_svc.c:13: unterminated `#if' conditional
make[1]: *** [ecs_svc.o] Error 1

The problem seems to be that the script depends getting a very
exact output from rpcgen, and isn't operating properly on the output
of more modern (or other platform) rpcgen's.

The temporary workaround is to remove ecs_svc.c, do a cvs update,
and make again. With the date being newer than ecs.x, the makefile
won't try to regenerate the derived file.


  • Frank Warmerdam

    Frank Warmerdam - 2000-11-14
    • assigned_to: nobody --> warmerda
  • Frank Warmerdam

    Frank Warmerdam - 2000-11-22
    • labels: 100100 --> OGDI Core
  • Frank Warmerdam

    Frank Warmerdam - 2001-02-20

    I have modified makefiles to not run rpcgen by default. It
    can still be explicitly requested with "make rpcgen" in
    appropriate directories.

    Still need to fix this properly though.


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