
Problem debugging xslt code in VS.NET IDE

  • Ashfaq Chougle @ Xandros


    We are unable to debug the XSLT file by attaching the process "winword.exe" to the .NET IDE

    Debugger. The breakpoint is getting hit in the c# code files but not in the XSLT. its goes into


    We were able to debug the XSLT file before but suddenly this got broke.

    Is there some settings in the debugger for this or Am i missing something ?

    Please help


    • Dirk Vollmar

      Dirk Vollmar - 2009-03-25

      Hi Ashfaq,

      This way of debugging is no longer working after the migration to VS 2008. It seems that it was only working in VS 2005 due to some bugs in the IDE anyway. Basically the problem is that the XSLT files are loaded from an embedded resource stream which is not supported by the debugger (There is no way for the debugger to know the location of the original source file for an embedded resource). However, there is a command line switch (/XSLT) to prevent loading the XSLT from the embedded resources. With this option, the XSLT is loaded from the files on your local disc directly.

      Since this switch is only available for the command line tool the recommended way to debug the XSLT with Visual Studio is to use the Debug configuration of the CommandLineTool project. The /XSLT parameter must be specified under Properties -> Debug in the CommandLineTool project.

      The option would be

          /XSLT <path to XSLT resource folder>


          /XSLT "E:\OdfConverter\trunk\source\Word\Converter\resources"

      would be the option for debugging the translation of wordprocessing documents. Adjust this path accordingly for spreadsheet and presentation conversion.


      • Ashfaq Chougle @ Xandros

        Hi divo,

        Thanks for helping us on this issue.



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