
#59 Silent Mode: The installation does not happen in quiet mode


The installation does not happen during silent mode installation for the following command.

msiexec /i OdfAddInForOfficeSetup.msi /q


msiexec /x OdfAddInForOfficeSetup.msi /q allusers=1


Check in control panel whether any build is available.
if available uninstall it and ensure addin is not available

in the command promt go to the path where the Extrated package is present.

and give the following command

msiexec /x OdfAddInForOfficeSetup.msi /q allusers=1

expected : The addin should be available in control panel when refreshed.

Actual : the addin is not available in the control panel even after the refresh.

Note : only the "/q" (quite command is not working)

/qb and /qf (Basic and Full) are working and addin getting installed.

Application version(s) used (XP/2003/2007) = Off 2007
OS version(s) used (Windows 2000, XP, Vista) = Vista
Add-In Version = 5211
Is this a roundtrip conversion? = N
Is the error reproducible (Y/N)? = Y
Degree of occurence (rarely/casually/systematic) systematic
Severity (Would be Nice/Irritating/No GO) = Irritating
Type of bug = Install
Where is the problem (sheet/page/header/footer/etc...)? = Install - Quite mode


  • Suresh Raj Sonata

    • priority: 5 --> 9
    • assigned_to: nobody --> divo76
  • Suresh Raj Sonata

    This happens only in Vista OS

  • Dirk Vollmar

    Dirk Vollmar - 2009-03-20
    • summary: Silent Mode: The installation does not happen in quite mode --> Silent Mode: The installation does not happen in quiet mode
  • Suresh Raj Sonata

    • status: open --> closed
  • Suresh Raj Sonata

    Checked in 5211
    In vista machine After making User Account control to swithed off the installation Happens.
    Control Panel->User Account->Turn User Account Control On or Off->Uncheck "Use user Account Control (UAC) to Help Protect your Computer.

    After doing the above settings the command "msiexec /i OdfAddInForOfficeSetup.msi /q" works fine and addin gets installed.

  • Dirk Vollmar

    Dirk Vollmar - 2009-03-20

    Note: The silent installation requires administrative privileges. Therefore the add-in must be installed from an elevated command prompt in Vista.

    This is mentioned in the Installation and Troubleshooting Guide:

    "Important: Silent installation must be done with administrative privileges. In Windows Vista, please make sure that all commands are executed with an elevated token, e.g. by running an installation script from an elevated command prompt window."


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