


Welcome to the ociviz wiki

The visualization project for data.

looking at maps

The overlay script generated by square_count (into the file over_array.js) can be viewed in your browser by opening the htdocs/index.html
However there are multiple overlays which you have to link to over_array.js in order to view them. So to take a look at the US do
#/>ln -s over_arrays__US.js over_arrays.js

(Later we will most probably create an overview page where you can select all the overlays that have been created.)

overlay maps

The overlay maps you can generate use google maps to show the distribution of measurements in certain areas. A gray rectangle represents almost no data. A completely red framed rectangle represents an area with one of the highest amounts of measurement data.

In cities you often have 100 times more data than in the countryside. Thus the shading of rectangular frames is scaled by x^4 (or the fourth root) in order to better visualize the details in rural areas.

How to build new overlay maps
Samples of what it looks like

Also see the screenshots on the frontpage ;)




Wiki: ociviz howto