
#389 in vitro growth


The Plant Ontology describes structures that exist both "in vivo" and "in vitro". For the past year or so, “in vitro plant structure” (PO:0000004) was defined as “A plant structure that was derived from part of a plant and involves microbe-free growth in a sterile environment”
Recently, we revisited this class and decided it would be better to have the in vitro terms be is_a children of their respective plant structure parents (plant cell, tissue, whole plant, etc) and use a participates_in relationship to an imported term such as "in_vitro growth"
We would like to request the term "in_vitro” or "in_vitro growth" . I have done a pretty thorough search of the OBO ontologies and not found it, although it is used in MESH and the NCI Thesaurus.

I would suggest: is_a “growth quality of occurrent”

Suggested definition: A growth quality of occurrent in which the growth of an organism, structure or group of organisms involves microbe-free growth in a sterile environment.
There are various definitions of in vitro available and the direct translation from Latin means "under glass or within glass". (Of course, this has a historical connotation, most in vitro work now is done in plastics).



  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2011-04-04
    • priority: 5 --> 8
  • Georgios V. Gkoutos

    • assigned_to: nobody --> gkoutos
  • Georgios V. Gkoutos

    Hi Laurel,

    thanks for the email - I think you are after a process term - you would not used "participates_in" some quality rather some process. I am not sure if GO would accept this, they also have a tracker.

    As a note - I am thinking of deprecating "growth quality of occurrent" and its subclasses anyway.

    Best wishes,


  • Laurel Cooper

    Laurel Cooper - 2011-04-05

    Hi George, thanks for the response. I think I mixed up two things when I requested this term yesterday. We had a suggestion to use participates_in, but we cannot do that right now anyway.
    But if PATO (or GO) had the the term "in vitro growth" we could make a cross product. For example
    in vitro plant structure (PO:0000004): Proposed def’n: A plant structure that is grown or maintained in vitro.
    Comment: This is class is a cross-product of plant structure (PO:0009011) and in vitro growth (requested in PATO:000XXXX).

  • Georgios V. Gkoutos

    Hi Laurel,

    I think I understand better what you would like to do. In your definition PATO would provide the term "structure" then PO would give you "plant" and you would need something about the process that the plant participates in i.e. "in vitro growth". This process could be defined as "growth" that unfolds/occurs "in vitro". Email me at if what I mentioned above does not make sense. Now everything apart from "in vitro" seem to be straightfoward so you would need either to request a term such as "in vitro growth" from GO (I doubt though that they would add something like this but maybe they would) or request the term in in vitro from another ontology, I guess ENVO or OBI but not sure.

    Best wishes,


  • Georgios V. Gkoutos

    • status: open --> closed

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