
ObjectListView / News: Recent posts

v2.9 alpha available in SVN

I committed v2.9 to SVN over the weekend. It is also available as a pre-release on NuGet.

v2.9 added the ability to have buttons in cells, as well as lots of smaller improvements and several bug fixes.

Please check it out and see what bugs you can find.

Posted by Phillip Piper 2015-07-09 Labels: v2.9 alpha

v2.8 released

New features

  • Added the ability to disable rows
  • Added checkboxes in column headers

Other changes

  • Added CollapsedGroups property
  • Extended hit test information to include header components (header, divider, checkbox)
  • CellOver events are now raised when the mouse moves over the header. Set TriggerCellOverEventsWhenOverHeader to false to disable this behaviour
  • Freeze/Unfreeze now use BeginUpdate()/EndUpdate() to disable Window level drawing while frozen
  • Changed default value of ObjectListView.HeaderUsesThemes from true to false. Too many people were being confused, trying to make something interesting appear in the header and nothing showing up
  • Final attempt to fix the issue with multiple hyperlink events being raised. This involves turning a NM_CLICK notification into a NM_RCLICK. Thanks to aaron for the initial report and investigation.
  • TreeListView.CollapseAll() now actually, you know, collapses all branches
  • The pre-build ObjectListView.dll in the ObjectListView download is now built against .NET 4.0. This will make it able to be used directly in VS 2010 and later. For VS 2008 and 2005, the DLL will have to build from the included source.
  • Added NuGet support. ObjectListView is now available as ObjectListView.Official.
Posted by Phillip Piper 2014-10-15

v2.6 released

ObjectListView 2.6 has been released.

This release adds:

  • a data-bindable TreeListView
  • support for INotifyPropertyChanged
  • an enhanced Generator class
  • better exporting through OLVExporter
  • cell padding
  • cell content vertical alignment
  • many other small enhancements
  • many bug fixes

Download the new release

Posted by Phillip Piper 2012-10-31 Labels: 2.6

ObjectListView v2.2 released

Version 2.2 of ObjectListView -- a super-charged wrapper around a .NET ListView -- was released today. This version added image and text overlays, as well as adding sophisticated support for drag and drop. Collapsible groups, highly customizable tool tips, and tinted sort columns were also added.

For full details, see

Posted by Phillip Piper 2009-06-07

ObjectListView version 2.1 released

Version 2.1 of ObjectListView -- a wrapper around .NETs ListView -- has been released.

v2.1 adds hot tracking, subitem checkboxes, and a revamped owner drawn integration. These new features -- combined with the TreeListView and virtual list integration introduced in v2.0 -- make ObjectListView a major improvement over a plain ListView.

Seriously, after using an ObjectListView, you will never want to go back to using a plain ListView.... read more

Posted by Phillip Piper 2009-03-10