
ObjectListView fork on Bitbucket

  • Werner F. Bruhin

    I went ahead and created a fork of the Python version of ObjectListView (OLV). This is a friendly fork as Philip is fine with this and he has no longer the time to maintain it.

    Do not expect big enhancements in that fork, my main reasons to have done this is to make OLV compatible with wxPython 2.9+, I use it in my own stuff with wxPython 2.9.5, and I have tested OLV 1.3 with wxPython 3.0.2 on Python 2.7.8. I also tested it with wxPython Phoenix both on Python 2.7.8 and Python 3.4, but these tests have not been extensive.

    My use of OLV is mainly as a 'display and select' widget, I don't use cell editing and I am sure there are quit a few other features I do not use.

    I am looking forward for others to step up and help in the effort of maintaining ObjectListView.

    The repo:

    The doc:

    PyPi / pip:
    I am testing the upload of it to PyPi, it is currently only on the test site at:

    You can install it from there with this commend (note that this site gets cleaned regurarly, so it will not stay around):
    pip.exe install -i ObjectListView

    Mailing list:
    Does it need a new list on e.g. GoogleGroups or is StackOverflow and the wxPython list plus Issues on Bitbucket enough?

    Best regards

  • Andrew Hopkinson

    Kudos on the effort here, are you eventually going to move forward and push this fork to the non-testing pypi?

    • Werner F. Bruhin

      Hi Andrew,

      Yes, that is the plan.


    • Werner F. Bruhin

      Hi Andrew,

      Just put 1.3 up on PyPi.

      Hope I did it all correct, so wouldn't mind if you and others give it a try.



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