
Installation help

  • John Campbell

    John Campbell - 2011-02-12

    I've just downloaded and installed Open Bexi Creative 3.1.1. It runs fine from
    a terminal window but how do I install it such that it can be run from the
    start menu. The release notes mention an installer, but none is provided with
    the download from the openbexi site.
    Thanks for any help

  • Arcazj

    Arcazj - 2011-02-12

    OpenBEXI provides an installer for window, which install a regular icon from
    where you can start the OpenBEXI server.
    About the Linux version, no installer is provided after the version 3.0.
    To install 3.1.1 from linux, just follow the steps below:
    cd ~
    gunzip OPENBEXICreative3.1.1-linux.tar.gz
    tar xvf OPENBEXICreative3.1.1-linux.tar
    cd OPENBEXICreative3.1.1-linux
    And start the OpenBEXI server:
    nohup &

    You may ask your administrator to start OpenBEXI at the boot.

    After starting the Linux server, you can connect to OpenBEXI via any modern
    browser and start creating web pages from any computer (Linux window, mac)
    connected to your network.

    From your internet browser type, the right URL depending from where you are,
    http://localhost:8282/ (if you
    are starting an internet browser from the box where you installed OpenBEXI)
    http://<IP adress="">:8282/ ( IP adress of the box from where you
    installed OpenBEXI)
    To get an IP adress from linux type ifconfig.

    To get the best experience use the last version of Firefox or google Chrome
    supporting HTML5 features. You can directly drag and drop images or XML/CSV
    files supported by charts, DOJO grids, timelines from the web or your window
    explorer to create your web pages.

    JC Arcaz

  • Luis Guillermo Quevedo

    I did all what you sugest. But tomcat server did not start.
    Some idea?

    I used ubuntu 11.10

  • Arcazj

    Arcazj - 2012-01-16

    Please, be more specific.
    As I mentioned in my previous mail, there is no installer for Linux, but you
    have a TAR file.
    Use to start the OpenBEXI server.
    While the OpenBEXI server is running , start a Firefox/IE/Chrome/Opera or
    Window browser from anywhere with the URL: adress http://<IP adress="">:8282/
    Anywhere means: a window or Linux platform from where you can set up your
    "start menu" or an shortcut from your desktop.



  • Davide Baldini

    Davide Baldini - 2012-02-02

    Thank you arcazj. I'm installing Openbexi on debian and that was the exact
    piece of info I was missing.

  • Arcazj

    Arcazj - 2012-02-03

    Ubuntu has a dropdown menu at the top of the screen to launch applications,
    which is very similar to the way Windows has the start menu at the bottom of
    the screen.
    You may use this tool if you want to run OpenBEXI fron the start menu.
    Note: From Google, search for "linux start application from menu"



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