
Nyagua / News: Recent posts

Nyagua 5.2.2

Hello everyone,
After more than one year without news I've just released Nyagua v. 5.2.2.
In this release German translations have been updated thanks to a new contributor.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2023-07-17

Nyagua 5.2.1

Hello everyone,
Just in time for Christmas I've released Nyagua v. 5.2.1.
This release fix some relevant bugs in tables management.
As plus Czech and German translations have been updated thanks to a new contributor.

Contributions, suggestions and bug reports are welcome as ever...

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2020-12-15 Labels: fix

Nyagua 5.2.0

After so long time I'happy to announce a new release of Nyagua.
Here is whats new in this version (5.2.0) compared to previous:
* Improved Estimative Index and E.I.Weekly calculations
* Added quantity field in devices
* Added Iodine and salinity fields in measures
* Added Custom labels for measures in options
* Added image visualization in Fish, Invertebrates and Plants tabs
* Added Fertilization Plan Form and feature... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2020-04-20 Labels: release

Nyagua v. 5.1.6 released again

Hello everyone,
Due to a mistake in compiling the previous release doesn't contain all announced features.
I've released all files again with same version number.
Please be sure to update your files.

Sorry for mistake,

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2019-02-08

Nyagua v. 5.1.6 released

I' ve just released Nyagua v. 5.1.6.
These are new/update features:
* Added expenses presets and related settings
* Added maintenance presets and related settings
* Set bold headers on tables
* Formatted prices in tables
* Updated German translation
* Changed import from XML to HTML

I want to share a note on latest change: guys at are no more providing informations through XML files. This has broken Nyagua import feature.
I've changed it to enable import directly from web pages but this is less precise.
Hope this can be useful for most of you.... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2019-02-06

Nyagua v. 5.1.5 released

I' ve just released Nyagua v. 5.1.5.
It contains some fixes to reports and filters and to some label in english.


Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2018-11-06

Nyagua 5.1.4 released

I' ve just released Nyagua v. 5.1.4.
Dutch translation has been added thanks to Heimen Stoffels work.


Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2018-09-04

Nyagua 5.1.3 released

I've just released Nyagua v. 5.1.3.
It implements contains a relevant import bug fix.
In previous version it was impossible to import db export files that have been expoted in a different O.S. (eg. files exported in a Windows environment was not imported in a Linux environment).
With this fix you can exchange files from Nyagua running in different O.S.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2018-03-23 Labels: fix

Nyagua 5.1.2 released

Hello everyone.
I've just released Nyagua v. 5.1.2. It implements some minor bug fixing in sorting and in some labels.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2017-08-09 Labels: stable fix

Nyagua 5.1.1 relased

Just released v. 5.1.1 to update Brasilian Portoguese translation...

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2017-05-15

Nyagua 5.1.0 released

Still alive,
I've just released a new version of Nyagua. It implements only import/export features but this satisfy a long time request.

Hope you'll find it useful...


Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2017-03-28

Nyagua 5.0.4 released

Hello everyone. I just released a new version that fix a startup bug. Due to a missing translation the startup wizard, that is showed in new Nyagua instalaltion, was crashing and the program not started.
Sprry for this issue.

Thanks to Ronaldo Reis-Jr. for submitting this bug.

I take this opportunity to invite anyone who finds a bug to report it to me for quick resolution.


Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2017-01-30

Nyagua 5.0.3 republished.

I'm sorry but sometrhing has gone wrong with brasilian portoguese translation in v. 5.0.3 published yesterday.
I released again files so anyone interested to an updated translation can download it again.

Thanks for your patience :-)

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2016-12-20

Nyagua 5.0.3 released

I've just released Nyagua 5.0.3 with an update to Brasilian portoguese translation.

Tanks to Leandro Lima for his work.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2016-12-19

Nyagua 5.0.2 released

Hello everyone,
Just a quick note to say that I just released a new version of Nyagua with the addition of Czech language.
Many tanks to Jaroslav for the translation.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2016-12-13 Labels: stable

Nyagua 5.0.1 released

Nyagua 5.0.1 has been release as bug fix release.
A couple of minor bugs has been fixed and a new field has been added to invertebrates table.
Missing executable has been added to Windows release (it seem that was missing from some releases but no one ever reported it... Sorry!).

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2016-10-31

Nyagua 5.0.0 released

Hello everyone,
After one month without bugs reported i changed the status of Nyagua version from beta rc1 to released.

Some big changes has been made to Nyagua site so now you can read the manual also on-line...

Any comment, suggestion, bug reporting and (why not) tanks are really welcome :-)


Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2016-03-29 Labels: major

Nyagua 5.0 manuals

A quick note to let you know that I just uploaded the new manuals for Nyagua 5.0.0 (Italian and English).

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2016-03-16

Nyagua 5.0.0 beta released

After some month of works last week I released a beta of Nyagua v. 5.0.0.
This is a real beta so it may contain some bugs. Anyone can help by reporting any error detected.

The revision of the manual, with the addition of instructions for the new features, and the revision of the site will require at least this month. In the meantime, anyone who is able to translate can help both online and offline.... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2016-03-07 Labels: beta

Nyagua 5.0

Hello everyone,
After some month Nyagua development has restarted, this will be a new major version and some of most requested features will be implemented.
There is still time for requests so you can add your own to features request page.

Programmers, graphic designers and translators who wish to collaborate are more than welcome :-)

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2015-11-27 Labels: annoucement

Nyagua 4.0.2

Hello everyone,
Last week Nyagua v. 4.0.2 has been released.
The only change from previous version is that brazilian portoghese translation has been updated thanks to the excellent Rodrigo Lacerda work!

I know it's a lot of time from last release but the program is still alive and I'm testing some new features for a new version...

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2015-09-06

Nyagua 4.0.1 released

Hello everyone.
I Just realeased a bug fix version for Nyagua 4.
There was an error at startup if there was no aquarium already saved (new DB creation or fresh install was affected).

Apologize for this problem.

Thanks to Brady for reporting this problem :-)

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2014-07-23 Labels: bug fix

Nyagua 4.0.0 stable

Hello everyone,
after one moth from the beta release, without any bug reprt, I released this version as stable updating Franch translation.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2014-06-24 Labels: stable

Nyagua 4.0 released

The new (beta 4.0) version of Nyagua has been released faster than expected.
In this version a long time requested feature has been realized: the calendar/schedule.

This is a basic planner that allow you to plan events, tasks and activities on a daily basis.

Since the implementation of this feature has required some changes to the existing code, the version has been labeled as beta.

Translations other than English and Italiano are not completed and any help is welcome.... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2014-05-23

Next to release Nyagua 4.0

In next days I'm going to release a new (beta 4.0) version of Nyagua.
In this version a long time requested feature has been realized: the calendar/schedule.

This is a basic version of a planner to remember you task and events related to your aquariums.

Since the implementation of this feature has required some changes to the existing code, the version has been labeled as beta.

Any feedback and further collaboration will be, as always, welcome :-)... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2014-05-22 Labels: new release