
Nyagua / News: Recent posts

Nyagua 3.1.2 released

Hello everyone.
A new (bug fix) version of Nyagua has just been released.
It improves compatibility with Mac OS X Mavericks and solve a cople of relevant bugs.

I wish this may be a merry Christmas for everyone...


Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2013-12-24

Nyagua 3.1 released

Hi everyone.
the new version of Nyagua has been released.
Some features has been implemented to get a more usable interface, reports have been improved (particularly expenses report) and (for the first time) some things has been removed.
The fertilizer calculator contains no more calculations on commercial products. Some people has write to me facing the point that we can only suppose what are the components of commercial products. Some of them doesn't declare components, some of them vary in time and some can change their components ratio depending on country or other similar stuff. So we decided to remove them.... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2013-09-04

Nyagua 3.1 code frozen

We has frozen the development of new features in order to release the new version (3.1).
We are currently working on manuals and site updates and waiting for translations.
Stay tuned in next weeks for the new release.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2013-08-28

Nyagua 3.0 released

Hi everyone.
today I released new version of Nyagua, the management program for aquariums I developed in last six years.
Like the previous ones, this version is completely FREE and Open Source. It works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X

Those who have already used the program will find a main interface slightly modified. Now the shared data and utilities are on different tabs, and thus more "readable".
The main change is the nutrient composition calculator added in utilities. Those involved in DIY will enjoy it.
Filters have been added for a better data selection, a unit converter is now include in utilities and some options has been added to allow you to customize reports.
I hope that these improvements will meet with your satisfaction :)... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2013-02-19

Nyagua 3.0 code frozen

We has frozen the development of new features in order to release the new version (3.0).
Working on manuals and site updates.
Stay tuned in next weeks for the new release.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2013-02-13

Nyagua 2.1.2 release

Nyagua v.2.1.2 bug-fix release has been posted today. This update is highly recommended.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2012-10-10

Nyagua 2.1 - final tests

We're doing last checks and code cleaning to Nyagua v.2.1.
It should be released before the end of August.

Stay tuned...

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2012-08-15

Nyagua 2.1

Today I've started the works on next (2.1) Nyagua release.

Some items in WISH list are:
- Interface improvements
- Search filter
- Nutrients composition calculators
- Plugins engine
- Default dates on input
- DB maintenance functions
- Events scheduler

NOT everything will be implemented in this version and some other items may be added to list at development time. So suggestions and criticism are welcome...

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2012-04-04

Nyagua v. 2.0.1

An updated versione with polish language translation has been released.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2012-03-28

Nyagua 2.0 re-released

Due to some garbled output in some languages, today Nyagua 2.0 files has been released again without version change.
Only italian and slovak languages should have been affected...

Sorry for that problem...

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2012-03-15

Nyagua v. 2.0 has been released

Nyagua team has released today the new 2.0 version.

The changes respect v. 2.0 beta are the following:
- Slovak translation added
- Turkish translation added
- A garbled char in aquarium report has been removed

Debian packaging will shortly be updated.

Thanks to every contributor that allowed this improvements!

We will start in some days to work on new 2.1 release... stay tuned.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2012-03-08

Nyagua v. 2.0 beta has been released

Nyagua team has released today the new 2.0 version.
the beta after the version is due to some untraslated parts... the application can be considered as stable as 1.3.2 version.

What's new:
* New navigation tree for direct access to utility,fishbase and plantsbase tabs
* New input control for date fields
* New refresh button and status indicator for date filter
* New option to save main window position and related save on exit feature
* New internal plot engine as option vs gnuplot
* Improved global look & feel and designed a new logo
* changed sqlite-jdbc library version to have full 64bit compatibility
* Solved some bugs on save routines (now string with quote are supported)
* New readings report and analysis
* Pump flow calculator added to utility
* Added relative path for report images to solve Windows compatibility
* Added new fields: PO4, O2, Density to readings table
* Added new fields Life span to FishBase table... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2012-01-06

Released Nyagua 1.3.2 bug fix

I've relased a v.1.3.2 as 1.3 bug fix.
The bug doesn't involve the upgrade of DBs created with 1.2 version nor was present in the creation of new DB.
The 1_0 to 1_1 update routine doesn't update DB from v.1.0 to 1.1.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2011-09-19

Released Nyagua 1.3.1 bug fix

I've relased a v.1.3.1 as 1.3 bug fix.
The bug doesn't involve the upgrade of DBs created with 1.2 version but was present in the creation of new DB. Infact the swimLevel field was created in PlantBase tabel instead of FishBase table so program return error when You try to insert a new fish in FishBase table...

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2011-09-14

Nyagua v. 1.3 has been released

Nyagua team has released today the new 1.3 version.
this is mainly a bug fix version so everyone using v.1.2 should download new version...

What's new:
* Added compatibility analysis plotting and related settings
* Fixed calculators' options buttons problem
* Fixed some translations bugs (some captions never translated)
* Fixed KH units (ppm / degrees) in CO2 calculator
* Fixed calcs in aq heater calculator
* Fixed date management in readings
* Added swim level field in fisBase tab
* Better launcher for browser in Mac OS X... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2011-07-27

Call for new release

Hi people!
It's time to restart Nyagua's development!!
This is a call for new ideas, needs, contributions and for any help You can give to us.
Not only programmers but also designers, translators, people with new ideas... everyone is welcome.
Contact project administrator or submit your idea on project forums to contribute.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2011-04-18

Nyagua v. 1.2 has been released

Nyagua devel team is proud to announce v.1.2.

With this release we have:
o - Completed port to new data model
o - Updated XML import to new format
o - Added locale and reports preferences
o - Completed L10n
o - Added backup functions
o - Added initial db selector/creator form that allows to manage more than one db
o - Added File Open / File New features
o - Added 'Bottom' and Tank Volume fields in Aquarium
o - Added some themes to reports... read more

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2011-02-16

Fishbase XML import problem fixed

The new 1.1 version with support to new XML format is on-line.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2010-12-02

Fishbase XML import problem

Due to a change in XML format, Nyagua is no more able to import these files.
Hope to fix it in next days....

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2010-11-29

Nyagua v. 1.1 is out

Nyagua devel team is proud to announce v.1.1.
Thanks to all for the work and the support.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2010-10-26

V 1.1 is coming next

Due to some bugs (fixed), a new language translation and some features added, a new v.1.1 will be soon released.
The previous version planned in svn as 1.1 has been moved to 2.0 branches.
The new main development trunk restart from the current 1.1 while the 2.0 project will slow down for a while.
Keep a look at Nyagua home page in next days for the new 1.1 release.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2010-10-19

Nyagua 1.0 is out

Version 1.0 has been declared stable and released.
A Brazilian Portoguese translation has been added.

In next weeks a 1.1 version will start.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2010-07-06

New release

Version 1.0.beta release is now in CVS.
Beta testers are welcome...

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2010-04-19

A new version is coming...

Well! A completely new version, written in Java, is in development stage.
Will be released soon ... Stay tuned.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2010-03-03

Released version 0.98

Final 0.98 version has bin released.
Some little improvements has been made and a little bit of cleaning in interface.

Any suggestion for next release is welcome.

Posted by Rudi Giacomini Pilon 2008-06-24