
NeoWebScript / News: Recent posts

NeoWebScript now a featured project of the Tcl foundry

NeoWebScript, an Apache module that enables the writing of sophisticated web applications in Tcl, is now a featured project of the Tcl Foundry at SourceForge.

Visit the Tcl Foundry at
Visit the NeoWebScript site at

Posted by Karl Lehenbauer 2000-11-18

NeoWebScript 3.3 Released

NeoWebScript is an Apache module that lets web developers embed Tcl code into their HTML, creating webpages with dynamic content. A mature open source product, NeoWebScript is in active production serving millions of hits per day on thousands of webservers.

NeoWebScript is much faster, more secure, and simpler to code than CGI. This release includes many demos including hit counters, a guest book, discussion board and shopping cart.

Posted by Karl Lehenbauer 2000-09-08