
Motorola Converter?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Can this program convert motorola's messages?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      BUMP!! Hello... anybody?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Not yet. That's why we need participations from public. We need various messaging format from various models of mobile phone to make the algorithm more accurate in decrypting messages. We cannot purchase all models of mobile phone just to learn their messaging format. It will be too expensive and not feasible. Public participation is more powerful.

      In case you need converter for motorola messages, please send your messages from your mobile phone into this website (not via SMS). Refer to the forum Feedback for instructions of sending your messages.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Do you accept other phone's format? Such as Sagem or LG?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Whoa... Are you the developer? Why are you posting message with anonymous account?

    • reid_zeibel

      reid_zeibel - 2006-12-26

      Okay, now I'm using my account.
      We're now currently waiting for the motorola SMS sample.
      My friend that have the motorola usually forget to bring his Memory card.
      We will consider to make another phone sms format after the nokia sms converter finished.

      • Wahyu Budiman

        Wahyu Budiman - 2006-12-26

        LOL! The converter for nokia is already finished long time ago, maybe since 0.8.1. What i'm doing now is upgrading the database layering and functions. I have nothing better to do than expanding the potential of database as an archive system.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      So there's no drawbacks of starting new vendor converter?

      I don't know how to transfer my SMS from my phone to computer though, my Motorola has a very limited accessibility. No wireless, not even data cable slot :(

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Me neither

        It seems my Siemens phone is too old. There's not even a single description about data transfer on my manual. How to overcome this?

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          No memory card? No infrared/bluetooth?

    • Wahyu Budiman

      Wahyu Budiman - 2007-02-26

      We've tried the MobilePhoneTools, software from Motorola. The same ability of that of nvmgc already exist in the MPT, and more powerful than nvmgc itself, since the software directly communicate with the hardware from the mobile phone itself.

      You may consider using MPT instead of nvmgc if you are using Motorola. However, Motorola delete the information regarding contact number and timestamp. We cannot handle Motorola conversion. Motorola does not support the message copying idea,

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've been able to extract discreet sms message files from a motorola v3cm using bitpim. Unfortunately at this time it seems that bitpim doesn't convert/export the files to a very friendly format from this phone. Being a Verizon customer also there is a possiblity that some of that functionality has been crippled at Verizon's request. In any case it appears that there are, according to my research, two files for every text message. There is a .env file and .att file. The message appears to be in the .env file and my guess is that the .att file is an attribute file or some other descriptor file for the associated message. The file names (before the .env/.att) match, that is to say you should find something like ZT.att and ZT.env. Bitpim has an export to MBOX feature, but for some reason either can't locate the directory where my model stores it's messages or some other bug. I'm still researching that. I am, as I said, able to download the files to my pc in this raw format... readable, but not great. Anyone have any further information ?


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