
Agenda Nutricional / News: Recent posts

Beta release planned

We are perfoming a great number of tests this week. The code was upgraded to use newest versions of Hibernate and now we are usign Maven to build the releases.

We are also introducing automated tests using TestNG, so we can guarantee a new release with less bugs than the previous ones.

The beta version is planned to be released on July 31.

Posted by Vanessa Campos 2010-07-02

New repository

We decided not to use CVS anymore. New code will be committed to SVN repository.

Posted by Vanessa Campos 2010-07-02

Agenda Nutricional 0.3.1 released

We corrected some bugs on the Simplex Method and the Diet report.

See Release notes on Download pages for more details.

We also posted the project planning for the next releases, on our Wiki pages. Use the Feature Requests Tracker to send us your suggestions!

Posted by Vanessa Campos 2007-06-19

Agenda Nutricional 0.3.0 released

We improved some functionalities, fixed some bugs and finished the Simplex integration.

There were some improvements on the gui - events, mainly.

We haven't fully tested the diet automatic generation, so we are quite certain errors will be found. We'd appreciate if you report them to us. We're releasing version 0.3.0 but we are sure we're gonna release some patches on the following days.

Read the Change Log and Release Notes for all the changes we made.

Posted by Vanessa Campos 2007-05-30

Agenda Nutricional 0.2.0 released

We improved some functionalities, fixed some bugs on the Hibernating mapping files and the retrieve functions.

We also included the copy/cut/paste and undo/redo funcionalities to the text fields. There are some improvements on the interface too. We also put the reports to work on this release.

Read the Change Log and Release Notes for all the changes we made.

Posted by Vanessa Campos 2007-04-15

Versão 0.1.0 disponível!

Acabamos de disponibilizar o Agenda Nutricional 0.1.0. Veja na página de Downloads.

Leia as notas de versão para maiores informações sobre as funcionalidades disponíveis nesta versão.

O processo de desenvolvimento está mais demorado do que havíamos planejado, mas temos uma versão funcional agora. Gostaríamos de pedir aos que fizerem o download e testarem que nos informassem sobre sua experiência usando o Agenda Nutricional no Open Discussion Forum. Isto nos ajudará a melhorar nosso software. ... read more

Posted by Vanessa Campos 2007-04-03

Version 0.1.0 released!

We've just released Agenda Nutricional 0.1.0. Check it out at Downloads page.

See release notes for more information on what features are available on this release.

The development process is slower than we'd planned, but we have now a functional version. We'd like to ask anyone who donwload it and test it to report his experience using Agenda Nutricional at out Open Discussion Forum. This will help us improve our software.... read more

Posted by Vanessa Campos 2007-04-03