Boarder_Surf - 2005-05-26

Hello all,

I just started using Nusoap and it worked well with my other code till I got to a method where the param includes an 2 dim array. The array example is below:

    [acct]=> 12342
    [arr2]=> Array
            [0] => a1.htm
            [1] => a2.asp
            [2] => a2.aspx
            [3] => a1.asp


I call the method by creating a proxy and using the proxy to make the method call as below.

// Create proxy
$oProxy  = $oClient->getProxy();
// Call the SOAP method
$result = $oProxy->$sMethodName($aParams);

Now the problem is this: It does not generate the request for the the array arr2 inside the param array properly.

The XML generated is below:


It seems $typeDef['typeClass'] in nusoap.php has a value  of "complexType" which causes everything but the parameter name to be set to empty.

Hope someone can help with this. Thanks in advance