
PHP soap_server, .NET Web Reference

  • Zhila The Great Z

    I'm attempting to create a PHP WebService for a .NET Client to attach to.  By using configureWSDL, I was able to recreate the sample Hello World, Redux sample as given in the tutorial.  When adding a web reference in Visual Studio 2005, first, it sees the webservice, and adds the reference.  However, at first, the method is not generated (CODEGEN: The operation binding 'hello' was ignored.  The encoding '' is not supported.).  I changed 'encoded' to 'literal' and the method was generated; however, when I call the method, the .NET app doesn't see anything returned (although the PHP script does see the data coming in).  Changing between RPC and Document seems not to make a difference (in fact, either way, the WSDL still says RPC).

    • Zhila The Great Z

      Updated to 1.82, no problem now.  .NET only works with a NuSOAP server in rpc/lit mode.

    • Vicente

      Vicente - 2005-03-23

      If .NET only works with a NuSOAP server in rpc/lit mode, the poblem is NuSOAP or .NET?
      I've done a NuSOAP Server doc/lit and some people have problem with .NET, not with Delphi for example.
      Any idea?


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