
prj file?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    This tool works greate, but is it possible to convert the .ntx header information into a .prj file so ArcGIS knows where to put the new shapefile(s) in "real world space"?

    • Bruce Dodson

      Bruce Dodson - 2003-03-26

      That does sound like a useful enhancement.  As a starting point, maybe a companion utility which parses the NTX header and writes out the coordinate reference information in a text format.  That would at least make it much easier to set the projection information using ArcCatalog.  Then evolve that so it can output the information OGC well-known text format (i.e. in the format of the .prj files), and once that is working / tested, just automatically write it as part of the shapefile.  Doesn't sound too hard; I'll see what I can do.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks!!!  Can't wait to see it implemented!

    • Bruce Dodson

      Bruce Dodson - 2003-04-20

      Travel / other project commitements will keep me from making any headway on this until mid-May at the earliest.  If someone wants to implement this in the mean time, let me know.  I am always happy to accept contributions, and give credit where it is due.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry, I'd love to help but I don't know enough about tags within the .NTX header to make much headway myself.  So, we'll have to just wait patiently :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Any news on implementation of this great enhancement idea?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Wonder if there are any news about the prj work? Looking at the date only it seems to be a dead end :-(


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