
What do you think about NTM

  • Jan Van Hees

    Jan Van Hees - 2004-09-22

    Hey guys,

    I wonder what you think about NTM, Features you like, features you miss.

    It would be nice if you mentionned where, in which environment, you use ntm.

    Features you want to see added.



    • Lloyd

      Lloyd - 2008-05-01

      No replies after over 3 years? I wonder why.  Anyway, I can't find an installer for Windows XP SP2.

      The release notes are the nearest thing to empty, while the 275,515-byte ntm-0.7.tar.gz expands into 6 folders with 107 files in 585,833 bytes, with no trace of any *.exe, *.msi, *.doc, *.txt or even *.wri. The readme file simply says "Welcome mlkj".

      Presumably you are "mlkj". So, the question arises: "Welcome to what?"

      • Jan Van Hees

        Jan Van Hees - 2008-10-23

        Sorry guys, I'm not even far from passively maintaining this project. But anyway.

        It is not tested for Windows, it is originally build for *nix. Now most of the code is php and should be OS independent. Though you should be able to replace the cron part.

        the prerequisites:
        the installation:

        The program was written for a colocator (graduation thesis) which does not exist anymore. And for me it is quite useless at home. So I have absolutely no idea how it behaves today with newer versions of php or how it is supposed to perform over longer time periods.

        sorry Koolezt I missed your message here! I got informed by mail just now from a new message!

        If you have further questions, feel free to ask, I might be able to dig the answer up from the dark ends of my memory.

    • Charlie

      Charlie - 2008-10-23

      Over 5000 downloads and no responses. Not a good thing. I have the same response as Lloyd, what do I do after I extract everything?


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