
2.11.0 networking setup

  • Babscoole

    Babscoole - 2009-09-28

    I could use a little bit of walkthrough assistance to setup networking properly using 2.11.0.

    My box has three NICs.  One connected to the LAN for accessibility and internet access configured with static IP.  No problem with this one.

    I am having a bit of a problem with the other two.  These are the ones for actual monitoring and are connected to a passive tap, so should be enabled on startup, but have no IP address or DNS assigned.


  • Paul Blankenbaker

    It sounds like you have the static IP interface figured out.

    To configure a interface in the "up" state (enabled) but without an associated IP address:

    - Make sure you are using the 'network' service and not 'NetworkManager'
    - Create a configuration file for each interface you want to enable, and set the BOOTPROTO to "none".

    For example, if you want to configure "eth1" to be enabled, but not have a associated IP address:

        chkconfig network on
        chkconfig NetworkManager off
        service NetworkManger stop
        cat >| /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 <<EOF
        service network restart

    After doing the above, when you run "ifconfig", it should show "eth1" in a up state, but without an IP address.

    If you reboot the system, it should remain configured this way (assuming you have a hard disk installation or persistence layer active).

    If you use the NST WUI or NST scripts to configure and/or start various services, they should take care of bringing up the stealth interfaces as necessary.

    Hope that helps,


  • Babscoole

    Babscoole - 2009-09-30

    Thanks for the info Paul.  Very helpful.  It was the NetworkManager part that was problematic.


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