jmorin - 2007-02-15

Windows 2003 Server SP1

I've edited the NSC.ini file as such:

;### Check C:\ drive ###
check_local_c=inject CheckDriveSize ShowALL MinWarnFree=20% MinCritFree=10% Drive=c:\

My nagios config simply runs:

check_command    check_nrpe!check_disk_c

This works fine.

The problem arises when I try to Check the free space on a mapped network drive on the Windows 2003 server. It's the L-drive that's mapped to a network share.

My NSC.ini entry:

check_mapped_l=inject CheckDriveSize MinWarnFree=20% MinCritFree=10% Drive=l:\

the nagios command is:  check_nrpe!check_mapped_l

I'm getting "CHECK_NRPE: No output returned from daemon." from nagios.

I've also tried the following in my NSC.ini to no avail.

check_mapped_l=inject CheckDriveSize ShowAll MinWarnFree=20% MinCritFree=10% Drive=l:\ and
check_mapped_l=inject CheckDriveSize ShowAll MinWarnFree=20% MinCritFree=10% FilterType=REMOTE Drive=l:\

Neither works.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for the help!