
Synthax highlighing for r-packages

  • Herbert F. Peterman

    Hello halpo,

    I have started to use NppToR some weeks ago and I really like it. However, when using R packages such as stringR etc. the commands are not highlighted as for other R commands.

    In the following link:

    There is a menu allowing "Syntax Rule Extraction" but I cannot find it.

    Where do I find this window, in order to add the package stringR to the list for synthax highlighting ?

    Thank you in advance,

    H.F. Peterman

  • N Nepal

    N Nepal - 2011-07-18

    I also have the same question. How can we make the Syntax Highlighter work for the commands of installed R packages?


  • Andrew Redd

    Andrew Redd - 2012-09-03

    Due to Notepad++ having built in R syntax support that is in many ways superior to the UDL system, Support for custom syntax highlighting was dropped.  The system that built that also was broken by Ruby updates and I decided to never fix it.  If I every get time I will leverage the parser and highlight packages internals to port over a  better syntax highlighter, but until I find time that will remain a wish and vaporware.


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