
Feature requests

  • Bill

    Bill - 2009-12-21

    Love FTP_Synchronize! I wouldn't be able to work effectively without it. A few features that I believe would add benefit:

    - Split the tree into a folder and file view, with folders in one pane, files in the other - e.g. FileZilla and/or Homesite, to make navigation less arduous through folders with many files.

    - define and apply filters to file views, so we can see, for instance, only PHP files, not PHP, PHP.bak, PHP.old, PH_, etc. Homesite used to have a filter called "Web Files" where you could define multiple extensions to see. It was really handy.

    - For us folks who work from the keyboard: once a file is highlighted, ENTER to open the file in the editor.

    Thanks for a terrific tool!

  • David

    David - 2010-02-09

    Another request: There should be a menu item when you right-click on a folder to create a blank file, similar to create new folder. A prompt appears asking for filename, you type it in, and a blank file is created.

  • pepemosca

    pepemosca - 2010-04-11

    Another request:
    SSH/SSL support

  • Ryan Wheale

    Ryan Wheale - 2011-09-07

    A HUGE feature for me would be to make the profile cache relative the the "Initial directory". 

    Right  now, I create a profile called "Site A", and the initial directory is "/wwwroot/site-A".   I would like to point to the "profile cache" to my local "Site-A" repository (E:/Documents/Dev/Site-A) so that my local files remain up-to-date.

    As it stands, the above settings results in a profile cache such as the following:

    Can you see the problem?  Thanks!!  Otherwise, this plugin is a life saver.


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