
Unicode Support

  • Mark Baines

    Mark Baines - 2008-10-06

    Please convert this plug-ins to enable us to use the unicode version of N++.

    Thank you.

    Mark B

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2008-11-05

      Seconded, since I was just forced to upgrade to Notepad++ v5.1 because of a showstopping search-replace bug in 5.0.3!  Now Compare is disabled after I only got to use it once in 5.0.3.  :-(

    • Jeremy Yoder

      Jeremy Yoder - 2008-11-13

      Thirded.  I tried looking at the source in CVS but it seems to be an old version of the plugin.

      Compare is the only plugin I use.  I couldn't believe it was gone when I installed 5.1!

    • snorkydo

      snorkydo - 2008-11-17

      Fourthed. New to notepad++ and in looking over the the plugins, this was the first one i grabbed.

    • hong

      hong - 2008-11-21

      Please support unicode.
      or How can I make unicode version???
      Please help me.

    • Eduardo Alvim

      Eduardo Alvim - 2008-11-21


      Please support Unicode!
      Please support Unicode!

    • Evil-Wax

      Evil-Wax - 2008-12-02

      Joins Chorus:

      Please support Unicode! 
      Please support Unicode! 

    • famlam

      famlam - 2008-12-02

      also joining the chorus:

      Please support Unicode!
      Please support Unicode!

      • Ty Landercasper

        Ty Landercasper - 2008-12-02

        alright you win! I can't refuse a whole chorus :p

        new unicode version is up

    • Mark Baines

      Mark Baines - 2008-12-03

      Many thanks Ty much appreciated!


    • snorkydo

      snorkydo - 2008-12-08

      Yeah thanks!

    • neerav

      neerav - 2008-12-09

      Let us join the new chorus:

      Thank you for supporting Unicode.
      Thank you for supporting Unicode!
      Thank you for supporting Unicode!!

    • DV

      DV - 2008-12-21

      Seems to be a crash caused by the Compare plugin:


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