
Please add usage instructions or readme

  • archis

    archis - 2007-10-04

    Hi tylandercasper, thanks for making this plugin, very much needed and useful for anyone stranded up the windows creek without a paddle, er, diff!

    One request: Please add usage instructions to the dll zip file or better still, consider adding a "How to use.." menu item to the plugin's submenu that explains how to switch to multiview. After installing the plugin, I was stuck for a moment because I couldn't figure out how to use it. The plugin wants the two files in multiview - opening two files in adjacent tabs doesn't work. Some notepad++ users don't make use of multiview at all, and it's not so obvious as to deserve no mention at all.


    cf. discussion here:

    • domak

      domak - 2007-11-14


    • Modest Genius

      Modest Genius - 2007-11-14

      agreed, it took me 10 minutes of puzzling and a google search to work this out

    • pshute

      pshute - 2007-11-15

      If somebody wanted to be helpful, they could create some instructions at .  A link to them from would make them easier for people to find.

    • Ty Landercasper

      Ty Landercasper - 2007-11-19

      I just released a new version that should hopefully be a lot easier to use.
      Instead of requiring the user to select "Go to another view", the plugin will now move the current tab into the second panel and run from there.


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