
Feature Request : Multiple Console

  • Ash Abraham

    Ash Abraham - 2008-08-18

    Hi DV and NppExec users,
       I am hoping to see multiple NppExec Console to be opened and run in NPP, so users can run some child process in one console and someother process in the other consoles... and all these multiple consoles can be in their own tabs under the NppExec console.

    Thanks for all your great work so far.

    Thanks again,

    • steakhacher

      steakhacher - 2008-08-18


      you can already do that by having several copy nppexec.dll  in your plugin directory

    • Ash Abraham

      Ash Abraham - 2008-08-18

      oh wonderful, thanks....

  • Carlos M. Pascal

    This feature request is need it.  For me the multiple consoles should be in different windows to watch the run-time executions.

    thanks for this great plugin  


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