ceravis - 2009-10-27

I'm trying to add to or modify the existing rules for Javascript functions in order to show nested (or member) functions in the function list.  For example:

    function parentA (base){
      function childA (exp){
        return Math.pow(base, exp);
      alert(childA(2)); // call private function

    parentA(4); // alerts 4^2 = 16

    var parentB = function(str1){
      return {
        childB: function(str2){
          alert(str1 + str2);

    parentB.childB('bar'); // alerts 'foobar'

The **parentA** and **parentB** functions are listed, but the **childA** and **childB** functions are **not** listed.  This nested-child paradigm is common within Javascript libraries and reusable code, and important to be fully navigable in the function list.

Can this be done with groups and/or subgroups?  I've tried digging through the parsing rules for other class-based languages (that list member functions using subgroups), but I can't seem to get this to work for Javascript.

Any suggestions?  I'm probably being stupid, but I'm going crazy trying to figure this one out - please help!  ;)