
Error in PythonScript plugin when Python27 is installed

  • Kadner

    Kadner - 2013-10-24

    I installed (on Windows7 port) the PythonScript plugin and during initialization "MAXREPEAT not found" shows up in the console window IF Python27 is also installed on the computer!
    Everything is OK when Python27 is not installed (or 'hidden' e.g. by changing the 'registered' c:\Python27 pathname).
    A superficial investigation shows that the plugin looks into the c:\Python27 folder for it's functions rather than in the NPP_folder...\lib which has similar but different function definitions.
    (The current problem arises from the fact that the 2 files handle differently the MAXREPEAT variable.)
    Obviously it is not convenient not having 'access' to the Python program.

    If someone experienced the same issues or has an idea how to solve, I would appreciate.

    • anjianshi

      anjianshi - 2013-11-29

      find the python27.dll of the python installed by your self.
      example, my python27.dll was in C:\Windows\SysWOW64

      use it replace python27.dll that under notepad++ dir
      example, on my computer: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++

      then everything is ok


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