
Browsing Disabled

  • Daniel Hughes

    Daniel Hughes - 2002-02-20

    I will apologize in advance if this is something really stupid, but I added the Browser view and docked it at the top as suggested, but it always seems to say "Bwosing Disabled" and I can't really figure out what it is supposed to do.

    Is there a document somewhere that tells me what I am doing wrong?

    Dan Hughes

    • Cagatay Kavukcuoglu

      You should see an "Enable Workbench Browsing" icon on the workbench toolbar. It's in its own action set named "Browsing", you can enable it manually by choosing "Perspective > Customize", then "Other > Browsing" (though it should be automatically shown when you open the Browser view).

      Let me know if this doesn't work.

      • Daniel Hughes

        Daniel Hughes - 2002-02-25

        Okay, I'm doing better but still missing something.  I followed your instructions and it no longer says "Browsing Disabled", but it never seems to do anything.

        The arrows are always disabled.

        Could you give me a simple example of something I could do do demonstrate what it is supposed to do?

        Again, sorry I am being so thick about this.

        • Cagatay Kavukcuoglu

          OK, check these first:

          - make sure you use the latest version of the browser (6.1.2)
          - you should have the latest stable build of Eclipse 2.0 (20020214), it won't work with Eclipse 1.0

          Assuming you are in the Java Perspective, the browser view will show the fully qualified name of the class in the currently active editor (or the full path of the file if it's not a compilation unit or class file). As you click on other compilation units in the packages view or methods in the outline, the contents of the current editor will change tou show your selection. You should also see the history buttons get active. At any time, you can click the dropdowns on these to see your previous browse history and go back or forward as you need.

          If this is not happening, you have found a bug. Send me your .log file in your workspace .metadata directory if this is the case, that will help me understand what the problem is.


    • Daniel Hughes

      Daniel Hughes - 2002-03-21

      Got it.  Great.  Thanks.

      (Sorry for the delayed reponse.)


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