
#63 Fonts don't work correctly when LANG is set to some UTF-8 locale

v1.0 (example)

When LANG is set to some UTF-8 locale (e.g. en_US.UTF-8) before notion is launched it seems that notion is completely unable to load any fonts. All frame tab headers as well as menus become very thin lines without any text in them.


  • Arnout Engelen

    Arnout Engelen - 2013-07-19

    It is still unclear what triggers this, it works on other machines.

    We must investigate further what causes the problem in this case.

  • Remko van der Vossen

    Attached xsession-errors when LANG is not set to a UTF-8 locale

    Looks like the configured fonts can not be loaded, but fallback to fixed works, the configured fonts are available though, they are used for example in urxvt.

  • Remko van der Vossen

    Attached xsession-errors when LANG is set to a UTF-8 locale

    Looks like the configured fonts can not be loaded, and fallback to fixed also fails, leading to empty and very thin frame tab bars and menus.

  • Remko van der Vossen

    Attached xsession-errors when LANG is not set to a UTF-8 locale with additional debugging

  • Remko van der Vossen

    Attached xsession-errors when LANG is set to a UTF-8 locale with additional debugging

    Output is quite a bit lengthier, haven't looked into it yet.

  • Arnout Engelen

    Arnout Engelen - 2013-07-28

    OK, so 'fixed' is a XLoadQueryFont thing and doesn't make sense as a default when in multibyte mode (XCreateFontSet et al). I pushed a commit to at least make the default a bit better, but this probably doesn't fix anything - I need to understand this font/locale/charset stuff a bit better.

    To be continued...

  • Arnout Engelen

    Arnout Engelen - 2013-08-05

    I read up on XCreateFontSet, and it seems it makes sense to use a successfully created FontSet even when there are missing charsets, as long as we log a warning. We've seen especially utf8 locales require a considerable number of charsets (i've seen 12 missing ones), and the user is unlikely to care about all of them.

    Could you give the 2013080500 snapshot i'm uploading a go? If nothing else it should provide some improved logging again...

  • Arnout Engelen

    Arnout Engelen - 2013-12-01

    Please? :)

  • Arnout Engelen

    Arnout Engelen - 2014-03-18

    I suspect this is fixed by the improved font fallback code that we included recently, that's triggered when the font from the look/style is missing

  • Arnout Engelen

    Arnout Engelen - 2014-03-18
    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
  • Remko van der Vossen

    Apologies for the extremely late reply, but yes the issue seems fixed now. Tab headers and menus now display correctly when LANG is set to a UTF-8 locale for me.

  • Arnout Engelen

    Arnout Engelen - 2014-07-07

    awesome good to hear!


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