
Je n'est suis pas Charlie

  • aXeSwY

    aXeSwY - 2015-01-21

    Why am not Charlie ?

    Cause "Freedom of expression" only apply on muslims , full of hate full of ignorance those "charlie hebdo " they hurt us so much am not with what those terrorist did cause no one should be killed for words he write or pictures he draw but when it only target us it really feel so much , am Muslim to see my prophet muhammad draw as a ping my holly book used as a toilet paper it hurt me , to see thousand of Palestinians getting killed yet you guy didn't even make a notice about it hurt me to see thousand of Iraqi killed by US troops and you guys didn't say a word it hurt me it's just prove all the "Freedom of expression" is nothing but hypocrisy...I will use sublime text till the next version will be realized , a version that doesn't have words full of hypocrisy

    Am not Charlie , am with the true version of Freedom of expression charlie hebdo isn't one :)

    PS: Am Tunisian and I know French peoples are one of the most racist peoples on earth they are like KKK but with a good perfumes :D

  • Denton

    Denton - 2015-02-08

    Stop saying bullshit. To be racist in France is worth than killing someone. You make stupid generality on french people, the racist is you.

    • Ilya S. Zharskiy

      simply post here caricature about holocaust and wait how long it will stay

      after that we can continue discussing "freedom of speech" jewish propaganda myth