
Notepad++ needs an ASCII viewer

don jensen
  • don jensen

    don jensen - 2010-10-06

    I just spent an hour looking around the Internet with Google trying to find out how to display ASCII characters in Notepad++, to no avail.  I searched for "show ASCII in Notepad++".  I spent about 10 minutes perusing the menus of Notepad++, again to no avail.  I suspect that it is there but I saw no menu option that says anything close to "show ASCII" or "display ASCII".  I was able to see the carriage returns and line feeds but not the code.  I need to see the code of characters in my text that are giving me trouble.  In MS Word they are displayed the same as a paragraph mark but a search for paragraph marks won't find them.  Same for line breaks. 

    If Notepad++ does have a way to show ASCII codes then the menu system needs to be revised to make it a lot easier to find.  Or at least let me find a manual somewhere for Notepad++ that I can search for the answer.  I also googled a manual for Notepad++ and only found some web site that I have to join in order to get the manual. 

    Frankly, I'm just going to give up on Notepad++ and go over to my Macintosh and use one of the utilities I have there that will show the ASCII codes. 

  • Toby Hart Dyke

    Toby Hart Dyke - 2010-10-13

    You don't want to show ASCII (you can already do that) you want to show hex - search for the Hex Editor plugin.

  • b2f9h203

    b2f9h203 - 2012-11-10

    But I want ASCII instead of ANSI, because ANSI displays very special characters like the double line borders: ASCII 180-218 wrongly. For example " ³ ÀÄÄ" (ASCII misread as ANSI)
    I can't find an ASCII-Encoding option in the Encoding-drop-down-menu

  • b2f9h203

    b2f9h203 - 2012-11-10

    Solved the Problem by creating a user-defined language using the font from here:

  • Redoute

    Redoute - 2012-11-10

    ASCII charset is 7-bit - it defines codes 0 to 127 only. Almost all 8-bit charsets include the full ASCII charset and add definitions for codes 128 to 255. The charset you were looking for is known as IBM PC (OEM) code page 437 - The original IBM PC code page. In Notepad++ this encoding is (perhaps misleading) called OEM-US.

    Ironically apollosoft's "ASCII-Font" comes with a set of .nfo files. When you view these with N++, it will open them as "MSDOS Style/ASCII Art", using encoding "OEM-US".

    N++ really should use more precise terms. What N++ calls "ANSI" is the Windows system charset - normally code page 1252, but may differ in localized versions. Wikipedia cites from a Microsoft glossary: "The term “ANSI” as used to signify Windows code pages is a historical reference, but is nowadays a misnomer that continues to persist in the Windows community." In several other places even the term "ASCII" is used, eg "ASCII Insertion Panel" and in converter plugin.
    The most misleading term is "ANSI as UTF-8", a IMO correct term is "UTF-8 without BOM", which is used in Encoding menu.