
Updated Notepad++ v5 translation model

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2008-06-29

    Please download here for the newest translation file for Notepad++ v5 :

    Please send me your translation to :
    d o n . h @ f r e e . f r

    If you want your translation to be published in download section and included in v5 release.


    • Acheron

      Acheron - 2008-07-12

      I would prefer it if you posted this before any release, so updated translations can be included with the setup. I also would like an option to switch language from within the program.

    • Ices Eyes

      Ices Eyes - 2008-06-30

      Italian traslation sent :D
      (in case it does not arrive)

    • Jan Schreiber

      Jan Schreiber - 2008-07-01

      German translation sent, too.

      • Jan Schreiber

        Jan Schreiber - 2008-07-02

        You can d/l the German translation here:

    • Mr.Dust

      Mr.Dust - 2008-07-05

      I sent the Korean translation.
      you can download in here :
      it includes the original file, new file, and diff

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2008-07-05

        Didn't get your translation.


        • Mr.Dust

          Mr.Dust - 2008-07-10

          Was there some wrong? or just didn't you receive?
          You can download in

    • Ricardo Crudo

      Ricardo Crudo - 2008-07-07

      In model is missing:

      <Item id = "6327" name = "Tags match highlighting"/>
      <Item id = "6328" name = "Attributes highlighting"/>

    • Ricardo Crudo

      Ricardo Crudo - 2008-07-07

      ...and if necessary:

      <Item id = "6221" name = "R"/>
      <Item id = "6222" name = "L"/>

    • xm

      xm - 2008-07-08