
Suggestion for Explorer & Function List &....

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    For Explorer:

    1) I always use a way to locate a file in MS Window Explorer, type the name of the file, then the file will be selected.
        Refer to the screenshot above, I want to select "functions_admin", I can type "func", then MS Window Explorer will select the
        "functions" file. After that, I can press DOWN ARROW button to select the next file ("functions_admin"), or UP ARROW button to
         select the upper file.
        But, in Explorer plugnin, after I typed "func", "functions" is selected, but I cannot use the UP ARROW button to select the upper
        file. And I also cannot use the DOWN ARROW to select the next file, but moved to the top of the file list.
        I think its better to make the behaviour act as MS Window Explorer as described above.

    2) Why don't put a text input above the files tree which show the current path of the explorer, just like the title of the Explorer's
        window, but user can type on it and go the typed directory after pressed Enter button.It is Because user may copy the path from other applications.
        If possible, its better to provide a list of existing directories during typing the path, such as "C:\" is typed, then all
        the directories under C:\ is showed for selection (by mouse or UP AND DOWN ARROW button).
        What I said above is just like the MS Window Explorer

    3) The "Previous Folder" & "Next Folder" function is great, but can this two function provide a list of the previous & next folders for user to choose of? Because user may need to click the "Previous Folder" or "Next Folder" button many times to go to the desired folder & without knowing what is the preivous folder is.

    4) Its better to make the opened files's name in the explorer difference from the non-open files, such as blue text color & underlined for opened files.

    For Function List:

    1) I just discoverd that the Function List will show an argument tooltips for a mouse-overed function.
       Its better to make the time shorter to show the tooltips, or the time can be set by user. Otherwise, this function may not useful for user, because of the long long waiting time. And I discovered this function, is just an accident. =__=

    For the dockable window's tab:

    1) As show in the screenshot above. Can the tabs (indide the red rectangle) just show the icon of the plugin? Because I need to
       click the left & right button to scroll the tabs after having more than two plugnins is docked in the same panel. The plugnin's name may
       show as tooltips when the mouse is over it.

    Sorry for too many feature requests. Notepad++ is a very powerful text editor, I tried many text editors, but none can substitute it. So I hope it can be better.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Is it possible to compare two files opened in two different tabs/windows?