
Compare Nav Bar doesn't show a tiny change

  • Gastón

    Gastón - 2010-11-11

    I'm using Notepad++ 5.8.3.  I have two versions of same php file with small changes.  Both files has 1134 lines.
    When I run a compartion with Compare plugin differences are highlitted on windows and on Nav Bar.  But there are a tiny change on line number 640 that is highlitted on text windows but is not shown at all on Nav Bar.  I saw it accident.

    I think formula to calculate size of difference remarks on Nav Bar is resulting on less than 1 pixel and this is not shown at all.  I think it could be better if every change is shown on Nav Bar, eaven the small changes on large files, with 1 pixel line minimum.


  • Jean-sébastien Leroy


    I think you're right. The change is too small to be displayed correctly with the current way things are calculated.
    I keep in mind your idea to have every change to be displayed with at least 1pixel thickness.

    Many thanks


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-06

    Hi Jean,

    I vote also for show everything in the Nav bar.
    Current workaround is page through to "Next".


  • Rolf W. Petersen

    Hi all
    I had the same problem a few weeks ago, It turns out that it is a one line change in the source that accomplishes the desired behaviour.

    In the OnPaint method in the NvxDialog you change

    SetStretchBltMode(m_hdc, COLORONCOLR)


    SetStretchBltMode(m_hdc, BLACKONWHITE);

    This will make all the differences have a colour different than white.

  • Byzod

    Byzod - 2011-06-29

    Still not fixed
    How to make the changes be displayed with at least 1px?

  • kfolz

    kfolz - 2012-01-23

    No updates on this issue? Using 5.9.8 unicode and same issue exists… :( amazing editor, but the nav bar is a real important feature, has to work.

  • Richard

    Richard - 2013-02-20

    BUMP :)

    This is still an annoying issue with NotePad++ 6.3 and Compare Plugin 1.5.6

    Small line changes should be visible on the navbar, as for density of changes, you could represent those with different shades of navbar lines.

    For anyone else waiting on this issue, take a look at WinMerge for comparisons.

  • weilah

    weilah - 2013-05-08

    Same problem here!

    Like said above, the perfect editor but the NavBar issue still there.
    Thanks for fixing :)