
New Plugin available: FTP_synchronize

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  • Harry

    Harry - 2007-09-13

    Could you try this version?\*checkout*/npp-plugins/NppPlugins/FTP_synchronize/build/FTP_synchronize.dll
    and see if it still hangs? It shouldn't tho =]

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    No hang! But I do get a crash when N++ closed (not every time).
    Application popup: notepad++.exe - Application Error : The instruction at "0x77f87eeb" referenced memory at "0x00000014". The memory could not be "read".

    Application popup: notepad++.exe - Application Error : The instruction at "0x0103545f" referenced memory at "0x0103545f". The memory could not be "read".

    This is after a FTP server connect and disconnect.

    If I just open N++ and close it I still get a crash every time:
    Application popup: notepad++.exe - Application Error : The instruction at "0x010353d8" referenced memory at "0x010353d8". The memory could not be "read".

    If I disable all other plug-ins I still get the crash but not every time.

    Getting there ;-)

    Mark B

  • Harry

    Harry - 2007-09-14

    For the initial directory option, please download the latest CVS version here\*checkout*/npp-plugins/NppPlugins/FTP_synchronize/build/FTP_synchronize.dll

    As for the crashes: still nothing on my own system, but because its so random I think it may be the message thread. Ill see if I can change that so its not threaded anymore. Ill also see if I can cleanup the cleanup ;)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks for new version. Tried plug-in on XP Home based laptop and no crashes. So possibly some Win2K issue?

    Mark B

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I know this is hard, my server is behind a firewall and I am behind another firewall.
    I connect to server, but I can't get folder contents.

    Here are the logs:
    Response (220): ProFTPD 1.3.0 Server (Expromo FTP Server) []
    -> USER versus
    Response (331): Password required for versus.
    -> PASS ***
    Response (230): User versus logged in.
    -> SYST
    Response (215): UNIX Type: L8
    -> PWD
    Response (257): "/" is current directory.
    -> PWD
    Response (257): "/" is current directory.
    -> CWD /
    Response (250): CWD command successful
    -> PASV
    Response (227): Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,23,78,43).

    And that's it. Silence.
    The situation is tricky. MSIE can not connect to the FTP server too, but ZEND Studio does.

    I would highly appreciate any comments or help.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Just noticed that one more PHP editing tool is able to connect to my server without any problem:

    If a developer is interested, I might provide an access to my FTP for testing purposes.
    E-mail to beliakov(at)


  • Harry

    Harry - 2007-09-16

    Have you tried active mode connection? You seem to be behind NAT and some routers do support active FTP connections, maybe thats why the other tools work. The plugin relies on Winsock to do the connection so it should be the same on all programs, unless they use some tricks.

    If active doesnt work either, i'd be interested for a testing account. It'll help development too a little, as I can get better compatibility if I can test on more servers.

  • Harry

    Harry - 2007-09-17

    Released a new package for those interested ( You can now fill in the password on connect, and passwords are hidden, along with some other minor bugfixes.

    Also, a FTP_synchronize forum exists in the npp-plugins project on SourceForge. If you have a new issue or something else to tell you can use that forum too, to avoid clutter here.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks Harry
    I still get crashes. If I just open N++ and close immediately I don't get a crash. But if I open a file or use the plug in then it crashes.

    Can't logon to my FTP servers with this version but I can with previous one. I get:

    Multiline Response (220): PLEASE NOTE: If you have a non-subscription account you
    Multiline Response (220): will only be able to login to this ftp server if you are
    Multiline Response (220): dialled into our network.
    Multiline Response (220):
    Multiline Response (220): A Maximum of 4 concurrent connections are allowed to this
    Multiline Response (220): server, each session is limited to 64KB/s downloads and  
    Multiline Response (220): 32KB/s uploads.
    Response (220): Freeonline FTP Server #5 ready
    -> USER myusername
    Response (331): Password required for myusername.
    Response (530): Login incorrect.
    -> QUIT
    Response (221): Goodbye.

    Message window "Select All" now works.

    Mark B

  • Harry

    Harry - 2007-09-18

    You have to reenter your password. Someone asked to make them less obvious so they're made a bit unreadable now. Just go to options and reenter.
    I think the crashes are a bit OS specific. Im doing something that Windows XP seems to accept most of the time, but other OS'es dont. Ill see if I can get another OS to test on.

    ANd yeah, I fixed the selectall, was some focus issue ;).

  • Harry

    Harry - 2007-09-18

    I may (stress may) have a solution for the crash. This gets technical, so you may want to skip ahead =]. On uninitialisation, the thread responsible for displaying all the text output stops and starts deleting memory. However, the DllMain function that makes the thread stop did not wait for this to finish (for some reason I got timeouts waiting for the thread). In some cases, the thread would end before Notepad++ main process exits, but after FreeLibrary returns (called when notepad closes and stops the plugins). The address space (if that says anything) of the DLL would become invalid (I think) so all memory operations of the DLL would give an error, thus the crash. If Notepad closes faster so the thread has actually no time to do the memory operations, Windows would clean everything up and everything would be sunshine and green hills :) (btw I tested this by addign a sleep after the freelibrary in Notepad++ to enforce a delay).

    I uploaded a testversion that waits for the thread to stop, could you please test it out, its here:\*checkout*/npp-plugins/NppPlugins/FTP_synchronize/build/FTP_synchronize.dll?revision=1.16

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2007-09-18

      Notepad++ call FreeLibrary() to release the loaded plugins, at that moment, you should do the clean up in the dllmain().
      The problem, IMO, is there'are still undead threads even after the clean up, that causes the crash.

      If you can terminate all the threads (by using the Mutex) before you clean up, then I think the crash problem will be cured.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hurrah! So far no crashes at all whatever I do, using the plug-in or not, logging on, editing files, all other plug-ins loaded - all OK so far.

    I knew if I kept nagging you'd get there in the end :-))

    Well done Harry

    Mark B

  • Brian Aingworth

    Brian Aingworth - 2007-09-19

    FTP Fas to Connect
    OK - I know this sounds crazy but...
    I can connect to FTPservA from NPP and all works fine.
    I can connect to FTPservB from a Win XP Pro Command Prompt using "ftp FTPservB".
    But from NPP, I don't even see any responses from FTPservB. (No Connection is made at all)
    I suspect something something differs btwn FTPservA & FTPservB. Most obvious is that they reside on different subnets, but when Win ftp works, I think just about any ftp should work. Maybe you can help me by explaining how the NPP ftp differs from the Win ftp - if at all?

    I really love this plug-in!!!

    Ask for Password
    Two things here:
    1. Should focus automatically be moved to the prompt dialogue box?
    2. I do not get a remote dir display when I enter the password.

    I don't normally use this feature, but thought I would try it for the connect problem.


  • Harry

    Harry - 2007-09-19

    Well the main connection itself should be exactly the same. Only one port is opened for the control connection (thats the main connection) directly with the server (that is, if no NAT is being used, if so than it still should work), I believe that most FTP applications do this. Is there any response from the server at all? What does the messagelog display? If it shows nothing, could you give me the address of the FTP server, no username or password is needed, jsut to check the connection. If its private then ofcourse I'd have to figure something else out ;).

    As for the password thing, do you mean the focus should go to the edit box? I personally think so aswell, hadn't noticed it yet.
    I do see the password gets send incorrectly, I'll go fix that

  • Brian Aingworth

    Brian Aingworth - 2007-09-19

    For the "Ask for Password", could you check if the FTP Folders pane is populated with the a directory structure after entering the password? Mine does not display any folders at all.

    For the FTP Fails to Connect: There is no response indicating that the host was never connected to, yet from Win Cmd Prompt I can ping, telnet, and ftp to this same host. That's why I am having trouble figuring this out. If Win ftp failed then I would be looking at other causes. What ftp command does the plug-in use?

  • Harry

    Harry - 2007-09-19

    Could you enable the messages dialog and posts its contents after connecting (or attempting to). Also, in the bottom of the pane should be the last thing that happened, such as "Connecting" or "Could not login to server".
    The reason the pane stays empty is because there is no FTP connection (or not a valid one atleast) and so there are no directories to list. The ask for password now works for the servers I use.
    The plugin waits for a 220 response from the server after connecting, then sends the USER and PASS commands and wait for an additional 230 to verify it has been connected (with an 331 in between if a password is actually needed, but most servers ask for it at all times I think)

    • Brian Aingworth

      Brian Aingworth - 2007-09-20

      I installed the latest and after re-entering the PWs all works fine.
      Not sure excactly what I was doing wrong, but I think some of my wounds were self-inflicted :-o!!!

      Good fix on the "Ask for Password" focus request!!!


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I've had a few crashes again with 0.9.2 released today when closing N++ which I didn't get with (released above).

    Not easy to duplicate, it has become intermittent.

    Mark B

    • Harry

      Harry - 2007-09-20

      Well, back to the drawing board I guess. Does this only happen if you connect or does it happen when you do nothing?
      Such a shame, thought I nailed that bug.

      Typical, your post seems a bit out of order (timestamp wise)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    You have nailed it in - I've had NO crashes with that at all, I'm currently using it as it is so stable! So you did something in 0.9.2 to undo it??

    Doesn't always crash, mostly it is OK. I can open N++ and close again OK. If I open N++ and change from Favorites tab to Explorer tab I can get a crash. Open up N++ with the new Explorer version tab on top and it crashes every time. Entirely repeatable. Change back to Favorites tab and it doesn't crash.

    Logging on to my server is all OK and fast. Close N++ with the FTP_synchronise tab on top and NO crash. (I have moved FTP_Synchronise from the right over to the left to join Explorer and Favorites, hence use of tabs.)

    Hope that helps

    Mark B

  • Harry

    Harry - 2007-09-20

    I suppose with crash you mean crash on exit in all cases? I tried to reproduce it, but, you can guess it, nothing. 'Clean' exit. Moved FTP tab to the left, opened favorites, opened explorer, nothing. However, after very quickly and repeaditly opening en closing notepad I did get that crash again so it is still there, somewhere.

    The only thing that changed from 9.1.2 to 9.2.0 is the fix for the passwords dialog, doesnt really sound like anything that changes this behaviour.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    > I suppose with crash you mean crash on exit in all cases?
    Yes. was crashing more often yesterday. I had a crash out-of-the-blue (no crashes for maybe 20-30 uses before) then (and I've seen this before) it crashed every time after that for the rest of the evening. It's almost as though something gets corrupted in memory/on disk (an ini file?) and it crashes until it is cleared somehow.

    Today is OK so far. At least it is much more intermittent now and not every time.
    Did you follow up Don's comments on 2007-09-18 16:20?

    all the best

    Mark B

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is there any way you could write me a plug-in with debugging info in it to give you an idea whereabouts it is crashing?

    Mark B

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Well, there are builds with debug symbols in the CVS, so you can check that out (same files but with _D appended in their name). Dons reply was just what I did in the post above so that didnt really do anything ;). However, I've noticed some strange behaviour in Win98 when exiting with some connection still open, so I got to check that out sometime.
    The only thing stored is in the ini file (not much of anything that can cause these crashes imo) and in config.xml to store the docking information (not a very likely candidate aswell).

    Also, what system are you running on? Maybe that can lead to something


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