
New shell extension for Notepad++ ... who can give me permission to use the icon?

  • John Brandwood

    John Brandwood - 2014-06-30


    I've written an open-source collection of Windows Explorer shell extensions that supports 17 different text editors, including Notepad++. The project will, hopefully, go live on SourceForge/Github in a week or so (it's already registered as "EditWith").

    The shell extension can load up Notepad++'s icon from Notepad++'s executable file, but it's much faster to load it up from within the extension itself.

    Can someone here please tell me who to contact to see if I can get permission to use the Notepad++ icon in my project's Notepad++ shell extension?

    FYI ... here are the prospective 'benefits' of my extension (from my POV) over the current Notepad++ shell extension ...

    1) Multiple Session support (the current default, but it can also be set to single session operation and behave just like the current shell extension).

    Allows multiple Notepad++ sessions to be open at once, and allows files selected in Explorer to be sent to any Notepad++ session.

    2) Size.

    Notepad++'s current shell extension is 218KB, and on top of that, it drags the 600KB+ Visual Studio runtime into Explorer's process space.

    My shell extension (with icon included) is less than 27KB, and it uses the same msvcrt.dll that Explorer itself uses.



  • cchris

    cchris - 2014-07-01

    Contact Don Ho, the project manager , at (spam protected)
    donho hat free doubt fr


  • John Brandwood

    John Brandwood - 2014-07-01

    I just had my email bounced back from "free dat fr" with "unknown user".

    Perhaps the spam-protection on the email address was a bit too strong for my brain!

    Hopefully someone that knows Don will let him know about my question.

  • Justin Dailey

    Justin Dailey - 2014-07-01

    See this page for email info.

    • John Brandwood

      John Brandwood - 2014-07-03

      Thanks for the pointer. The message is sent, just waiting for a reply.

      • John Brandwood

        John Brandwood - 2014-07-19

        Well, I never got a reply back from Don Ho, so the initial project release does not embed the Notepad++ icon inside the shell extension.

        I'm a little disappointed by that, because I did manage to get permission from the authors of 13 out of the 17 editors that I'm supporting.

        If anyone is interested in looking at it, the shell extension project is now available on SourceForge/GitHub from the project's main page at ...

  • John Brandwood

    John Brandwood - 2014-07-19

    Oh ... just an FYI for anyone that does want to try my shell extension ...

    In order for my extension to appear on the context menu, you must disable Notepad++'s existing shell extension (Explorer won't display both at the same time).

    You can do this with the "remove-original.js" script.

    If you want to go back to Notepad++'s shell extension, just uninstall mine and then run "restore-original.js".

    Sorry, but both JScript scripts will prompt for Administrator permission because Notepad++'s shell extension puts it's registry keys under the HKLM tree instead of the HKCU tree.