
Syntax highlighting breaking

  • greenappkle

    greenappkle - 2012-11-05

    Thank you for your help.  I've recently been having trouble with my syntax highlighting breaking after I type the number 2 directly after a letter or certain symbols such as _.  If there is a space in between the number 2 and the preceding character, the syntax highlight does not break.  It also does not break if the number 2 is typed in front of another character, unless the number 2 is also located directly after a character.  I think this problem may have started occuring when I updated to version 6.2.

    Please see the below userDefineLang code and an example program.


        <UserLang name="Stata Commands" ext="do ado DO ADO" udlVersion="2.0">
                <Global caseIgnored="yes" allowFoldOfComments="no" forceLineCommentsAtBOL="no" foldCompact="no" />
                <Prefix Keywords1="no" Keywords2="no" Keywords3="no" Keywords4="no" Keywords5="no" Keywords6="no" Keywords7="no" Keywords8="no" />
                <Keywords name="Comments" id="0">03/* 03 04*/ 00* 00// 00/// 00 01 02</Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Numbers, additional" id="1"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Numbers, prefixes" id="2"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Numbers, extras with prefixes" id="3"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Numbers, suffixes" id="4"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Operators1" id="5">- ! # $ % &amp; . :  ^ + &lt; = &gt;</Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Operators2" id="6"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Folders in code1, open" id="7">{</Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Folders in code1, middle" id="8"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Folders in code1, close" id="9">}</Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Folders in code2, open" id="10"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Folders in code2, middle" id="11"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Folders in code2, close" id="12"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Folders in comment, open" id="13"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Folders in comment, middle" id="14"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Folders in comment, close" id="15"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Keywords1" id="16">do exit shell ado</Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Keywords2" id="17">qui quie quiet quietl quietly use preserve restore cross collapse contract erase cd capture log set more compress save</Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Keywords3" id="18">program end</Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Keywords4" id="19">merge append reshape joinby _a_cls_msg _addgph _applycoding _asprobit_estimator _asprobit_replay _asprobit_vce_parserun _assert _assert_mreldif _assert_mreldifp _assert_mreldifs _assert_obs _assert_streq _at _b_fill0 _b_post0 _bigtab _binomial2bernoulli _binperfect _binperfout _biplotmat _biplotmat_10 _brr_sum _bs_display _bs_sum _btcmd _byoptnotallowed _ca_process_mlabel _callerr _canon _cci _check4gropts _check_e_margins _check_e_rc _check_eformopt _check_omit _checkpd _choice_table _ckirfset _cknotsvaroi _ckvec _clsarr2list _cmdxel _coef_table _coef_table_header _confirm_date _confirm_number_or_date _copy_mat_stripes _cpmatnm _crc2use _crc4fld _crcacnt _crcar1 _crcause _crcbin _crcbygr _crcchi2 _crcchkw _crccip _crceprs _crcgldv _crcglil _crcird _crcirr _crcmeq _crcnuse _crcor _crcphdr _crcra _crcrd _crcrr _crcseq _crcshdr _crcslbl _crcsrvc _crcswxx _crcunab _crcunit _crcvarl _crcwsrv _crczsku _cvar _datasig _datasign _datasigna _datasignat _datasignatu _datasignatur _datasignature _date2elapsed _diag2mat _diparm _diparm_8 _dm_create _dots _dvech_estat _dvech_falast _e2r _egennoby _epitab_by_parse _ereturn_display _est _esti _estim _estima _estimat _estimate _estimates _evlist _exactreg_coef _exactreg_lf _exactreg_p _exactreg_replay _exactreg_replayse _exactreg_sort _exactreg_tests _exp_list_expand _exp_list_parse _favor_parse _find_tsops _findhlpalias _float2binary _fr_area_parse_and_log _fr_aspect_parse_and_log _fr_declare_date_line _fr_draw_rect _fr_droplines_draw _fr_erasearr _fr_legend_parse_and_log _fr_merged_implicit _fr_runlog _fr_sztextbox_parse_and_log _fr_tbstyle_parse_and_log _fr_tedits_parse_and_log _fr_textbox_parse_and_log _fr_title_parse_and_log _fr_x_log_cleanup _fr_x_log_create _fracpp _fracxo _frr_sztextbox_pnl _fv_check_depvar _gadjl _gadju _gany _ganycount _ganymatch _ganyvalue _gaxis _gbase _gbom _gbomd _gclsst _gconcat _gcorr _gcount _gcut _gdayofyear _gdecimal _gdensity _gdhms _gdiff _gegroup _gelap _gelap2 _gends _geom _geomd _geqany _get_diopts _get_diparmopts _get_diparmopts_8 _get_eformopts _get_eqspec _get_gropts _get_irf _get_offopt _getbv _getcovcorr _getfilename _getmlogitcoef _getnewlabelname _getrhs _getvarcns _getxel _getxel2 _gewma _gfill _gfilter _gfirst _gfoy _ggmean _ggroup _ggroup2 _ghmean _ghmm _ghmmss _ghms _gifirst _gilast _gincss _giqr _giso3166 _gkurt _glastnm _gm_dlg_edits _gm_edit _gm_log _gm_logadd_in _gm_splitlog _gma _gmad _gmax _gmdev _gmean _gmedian _gmin _gminutes _gmixnorm _gmlabvpos _gmode _gmode10 _gmsub _gmtr _gncyear _gneqany _gnmiss _gnoccur _gnss _gntos _gnvals _gnwords _goutside _gpc _gpctile _gr_applytrans _gr_arrowhead _gr_atomize_styles _gr_common_axes _gr_drawrect _gr_linkstyles _gr_symbol_of _grall _grank _grany _grcount _grecord _grepeat _grfirst _gridit _grlast _grmax _grmean _grmin _grmiss _grndint _grndsub _grobs _growfirst _growlast _growmax _growmean _growmedian _growmin _growmiss _grownonmiss _growpctile _growsd _growtotal _grsd _grsum _grsum2 _gs_addgrname _gs_by_combine _gs_bygraph _gs_byopts_combine _gs_clean_graphlist _gs_default_bands _gs_islivefile _gs_parse_and_log_axoptions _gs_parse_and_log_axtitle _gs_parse_and_log_lines _gs_parse_and_log_tickset _gs_path2memname _gs_rdfilehdr _gs_rec_rdfilehdr _gs_rec_wrfilehdr _gs_rtmostofclass _gs_wrfilehdr _gs_x_create _gsd _gseconds _gsemean _gseq _gsieve _gskew _gstd _gston _gsum _gsumoth _gtag _gtod _gtotal _gtotal0 _gvar _gwordof _gwpctile _gwtfreq _gxtile _hadamard_verify _hw_comp _hw_opt_d0 _hwsa_comp _hwsa_opt_d0 _hwsm_comp _hwsm_opt_d0 _isfit _iv_parse _ivreg_project _jk_nlegend _jk_pseudo _jk_sum _labels2eqnames _labels2names _linemax _loop_brr _loop_bs _loop_jknife _loop_jknife2 _loop_jknife_fw _loop_jknife_iw _loop_rw _lrtest7 _m2matrix _m2scalar _marg_compute _marg_dydx_ccompute _marg_dydx_ccompute_cr _marg_dydx_dcompute _marg_repost _mat_clean_coleq _mat_fill0 _matplot _matrix_cmds _matsort _max_to_opt _mdisplay _me_der _me_der2 _me_derb _me_derd _me_l_der _me_l_der2 _mfrmvec _mixed_fixupconstant _mixed_parsecmd _mixed_parseifin _mixed_rmcollevel _mixed_setsublevels _mka2 _mkcross _mkg _mkkmn _mksigma _mkvec _ms_at_parse _ms_balance _ms_build_info _ms_display _ms_dydx_parse _ms_element_info _ms_empty_info _ms_eq_display _ms_eq_info _ms_extract_varlist _ms_omit_info _ms_op_info _ms_parse_parts _ms_split _ms_unab _mtest _multiplemat_tab _mvec _mvtsheadr _natscale _nlogit _nlogit_p _no_estat _no_predict _nobs _on_colon_parse _parmlist _parmlist2 _parse _parse_covmat _parse_optexp _parse_terms _parsememsize _parsewt _pctile _pk_p _plotpos _post_vce_rank _pred_me _pred_missings _pred_rules _pred_se _predict _prefix_buildinfo _prefix_check4esample _prefix_checkopt _prefix_clear _prefix_command _prefix_depvarblocklist _prefix_display _prefix_expand _prefix_explist _prefix_footnote _prefix_getchars _prefix_getmat _prefix_legend _prefix_model_test _prefix_nonoption _prefix_note _prefix_reject _prefix_relabel_eqns _prefix_replay _prefix_run_error _prefix_saving _prefix_title _prefix_validate _prefix_varblocklist _prefix_vcenotallowed _qreg _qregwls _qsort_index _qsur _r2e _recast _repost _resample_warn _restore_labels _return _returnclear _rmcoll _rmcoll2list _rmcollright _rmcollright_10 _rmdcoll _rob_genid _rob_genw _robust _robust2 _robust3 _roccom1 _roccom1_8 _rocsen _rotate_clear _rotate_text _savingopt_parse _score_spec _sep_varsylags _set_irf_vars _shortenpath _sigfm _small2dotz _sspace_check_ts_gaps _sspace_covstructure_parse _sspace_epost _sspace_equation_order _sspace_estat _sspace_p _sspace_parse_optimize_opts _stata_internalerror _stcurv _stpower _stpower_gethr _stpower_gethr_log _stpower_getrate _strip_labels _sttrend _stubstar2names _sum_table _sumaccum _sunflower_binar _svar_cnsmac _svar_eqmac _svar_newcns _svar_post _svard2 _svariden _svaridenlr _svarlrd2 _svd _svy2 _svy_check_cmdopts _svy_check_group _svy_check_postw _svy_check_stset _svy_check_vce _svy_fpc_note _svy_ftest _svy_ivreg_first _svy_mkdeff _svy_mkmeff _svy_mkvmsp _svy_mkvsrs _svy_newrule _svy_setup _svy_singleton_note _svy_subpop _svy_subpop_note _svy_summarize _svy_summarize_legend _svy_tabulate _svydes_dlg _svylc _svyset _sw_ood _ts _ts_dexp _ts_exp _ts_hw _ts_hwsa _ts_hwsm _tsheadr _tsinchk _tsma _tsnatscale _ttest _ttest1 _ttest2 _tutends _tvc_notallowed _var_mka _varbsf _vardisprmse _varfcast _varfcast_clear _varfcast_fcast _varfcast_graph _varirf _varsim _vce_cluster _vce_parse _vce_parserun _vec_ckgraph _vec_dreduced _vec_grcroots _vec_opck _vec_pgparse _vec_pgridplots _vec_postvar _vecauxdisp _vecfcast_compute _vecfcast_compute_w _vecgetacns _vecgetcv _vecgtn _vecmka _vecmkapvp _vecmkce _vecmkgam _vecmksi _vecmktrend _vecortho _vecpclean _vectparse _vecu _virf_add _virf_char _virf_fck _virf_mknewfile _virf_nlen _virf_use _writenum _xeq_esthold _xeq_esthold_err _xt _xtab_parser _xtabond9 _xtdpd_xtfod _xtme_display _xtme_estat _xtme_estimate _xtme_p _xtreg_chk_cl _xtreg_chk_cl2 _xtstrbal _xtur_getic _xtur_parse_kernel _xtur_parse_lags _xturadfreg _xturbreitung _xturdemean _xturfisher _xturhadri _xturht _xturips _xturllc about ac ac_7 acprplot acprplot_7 adjust ado adopath adoupdate alpha ameans an ano anov anova anova_estat anova_terms anovadef aorder ap app appe appen append arch arch_dr arch_estat arch_p archlm areg areg_p args arima arima_dr arima_estat arima_p as asclogit asclogit_estat asclogit_lf asclogit_p asmprobit asmprobit_estat asmprobit_mfx__dlg asmprobit_p asprobit_estat asprobit_lf asprobit_p asroprobit asroprobit_estat asroprobit_p ass asse asser assert avplot avplot_7 avplots avplots_7 bcskew0 bgodfrey binreg bip0_lf biplot biplot_10 bipp_lf bipr_lf bipr_p biprobit bitest bitesti bitowt blogit boot bootsamp bootstrap bootstrap_8 boxco_l boxco_p boxcox boxcox_6 boxcox_p bprobit br break brier bro brow brows browse brr brrstat bs bs_7 bsampl_w bsample bsample_7 bsqreg bstat bstat_7 bstat_8 bstrap bstrap_7 by bys byso bysor bysort ca ca_estat ca_p ca_parse_normalize cabiplot camat candisc canon canon_8 canon_8_p canon_estat canon_p cap caprojection capt captu captur capture cat cc cchart cchart_7 cci cd censobs_table centile cf changeeol char chdir check_help checkdlgfiles checkestimationsample checkhlpfiles checksum chelp ci cii cl class classutil clear cli clis clist clo clog clog_lf clog_p clogi clogi_sw clogit clogit_lf clogit_p clogitp clogl_sw cloglog clonevar clslistarray cluster cluster_measures cluster_stop cluster_tree cluster_tree_8 clustermat cmdlog cnr cnre cnreg cnreg_p cnreg_sw cnsreg codebook collaps4 collapse colormult_nb colormult_nw compare compress conf confi confir confirm conren cons const constr constra constrai constrain constraint continue contract copy copyright copysource cor corc corr corr2data corr_anti corr_kmo corr_smc corre correl correla correlat correlate corrgram cou coun count cox cox_p cox_sw coxbase coxhaz coxvar cprplot cprplot_7 crc cret cretu cretur creturn cross cs cscript cscript_log csi ct ct_is ctset ctst_5 ctst_st cttost cumsp cumsp_7 cumul cusum cusum_7 cutil d datasig datasignature datetof db dbeta de dec deco decod decode deff des desc descr descri describ describe describe_mk destring dfactor dfactor_estat dfactor_p dfbeta dfbeta_10 dfgls dfuller di di_g dir dirstats dis discard discrim discrim_estat_common discrim_knn discrim_knn_estat discrim_knn_p discrim_lda discrim_lda_estat discrim_lda_p discrim_logistic discrim_logistic_estat discrim_logistic_p discrim_qda discrim_qda_estat discrim_qda_p disp disp_res disp_s displ displa display distinct do doe doed doedi doedit dotplot dotplot_7 dprobit drawnorm drop ds ds_util dstdize dta_equal duplicates durbina dvech dvech_p dwstat dydx e ed edi edit egen eivreg else emdef en enc enco encod encode eq erase ereg ereg_lf ereg_p ereg_sw ereghet ereghet_glf ereghet_glf_sh ereghet_gp ereghet_ilf ereghet_ilf_sh ereghet_ip eret eretu eretur ereturn err erro error est est_cfexist est_cfname est_clickable est_expand est_hold est_table est_unhold est_unholdok estat estat_default estat_summ estat_vce_only esti estimates estimates_notes estimates_sample etodow etof etomdy ex exi exit exlogistic exlogistic_estat expand expandcl expoisson expoisson_estat fac fact facto factor factor_estat factor_p factor_pca_rotated factor_rotate factormat fcast fcast_compute fcast_graph fdades fdadesc fdadescr fdadescri fdadescrib fdadescribe fdasav fdasave fdause fh_st file filefilter fillin find_hlp_file findfile findit findit_7 fit fitint fl fli flis flist for for5_0 foreach form forma format forv forva forval forvalu forvalue forvalues fpredict frac_154 frac_adj frac_chk frac_cox frac_ddp frac_dis frac_dv frac_eqmodel frac_in frac_mun frac_pp frac_pq frac_pv frac_restrict frac_wgt frac_xo fracgen fracplot fracplot_7 fracpoly fracpoly_10 fracpred fron_ex fron_hn fron_p fron_tn fron_tn2 frontier ftodate ftoe ftomdy ftowdate fvexpand fvrevar fvset fvunab g gamhet_glf gamhet_gp gamhet_ilf gamhet_ip gamma gamma_d2 gamma_p gamma_sw gammahet gdi_hexagon gdi_spokes ge gen gene gener genera generat generate genrank genstd genvmean getcmds getmata gettoken gl gladder gladder_7 glim_l01 glim_l02 glim_l03 glim_l04 glim_l05 glim_l06 glim_l07 glim_l08 glim_l09 glim_l10 glim_l11 glim_l12 glim_lf glim_mu glim_nw1 glim_nw2 glim_nw3 glim_p glim_v1 glim_v2 glim_v3 glim_v4 glim_v5 glim_v6 glim_v7 glm glm_6 glm_p glm_sw glmixed_b0 glmixed_b0r glmixed_ll glmixed_llr glmpred glo glob globa global glogit glogit_8 glogit_p gmeans gmm gmm_estat gmm_p gnbre_lf gnbreg gnbreg_5 gnbreg_p gomp_lf gompe_sw gomper_p gompertz gompertzhet gomphet_glf gomphet_glf_sh gomphet_gp gomphet_ilf gomphet_ilf_sh gomphet_ip gphdot gphpen gphprint gprefs gprobi_p gprobit gprobit_8 gr gr7 gr_copy gr_current gr_db gr_describe gr_dir gr_draw gr_draw_replay gr_drop gr_ed_axis_custom gr_ed_capture gr_ed_db gr_ed_dialog_util gr_edit gr_editviewopts gr_example gr_example2 gr_export gr_play gr_print gr_qscheme gr_query gr_read gr_redo gr_rename gr_replay gr_save gr_set gr_setscheme gr_table gr_undo gr_use graph graph7 grebar greigen greigen_7 greigen_8 grmeanby grmeanby_7 gs_fileinfo gs_filetype gs_graphinfo gs_stat gsort gwood h hadimvo hareg hausman haver he heck_d2 heckma_p heckman heckman_fix_stripe heckman_restore_stripe heckp_lf heckpr_p heckprob hel help hereg hetpr_lf hetpr_p hetprob hettest hexdump hilite hist hist_7 histogram hlogit hlu hmeans hotel hotelling hprobit hreg hsearch icd9 icd9_ff icd9p if iis impute imtest inbase include inf infi infil infile infix inp inpu input ins insheet insp inspe inspec inspect integ inten intreg intreg_7 intreg_p intrg2_ll intrg_ll intrg_ll2 ipolate iqreg ir irf irf_create irfm iri is_st is_svy is_svysum is_xt isid istdize ivprob_1_lf ivprob_lf ivprobit ivprobit_estat ivprobit_footnote ivprobit_p ivreg ivreg_footnote ivregress ivregress_epilog ivregress_estat ivregress_p ivregress_prolog ivtob_1_lf ivtob_lf ivtobit ivtobit_footnote ivtobit_p jackknife jacknife jknife jknife_6 jknife_8 jkstat joinby kalarma1 kap kap_3 kapmeier kappa kapwgt kdensity kdensity_7 keep ksm ksmirnov ktau kwallis l la lab labe label labelbook ladder levels levelsof leverage lfit lfit_p li lincom line linktest lis list lloghet_glf lloghet_glf_sh lloghet_gp lloghet_ilf lloghet_ilf_sh lloghet_ip llogi_sw llogis_p llogist llogistic llogistichet lnorm_lf lnorm_sw lnorma_p lnormal lnormalhet lnormhet_glf lnormhet_glf_sh lnormhet_gp lnormhet_ilf lnormhet_ilf_sh lnormhet_ip lnskew0 loadingplot loc loca local log logi logis_lf logistic logistic_p logit logit_10 logit_estat logit_p loglogs logrank loneway lookfor lookup lowess lowess_7 lpoly lpredict lrecomp lroc lroc_7 lrtest ls lsens lsens_7 lsens_x lstat ltable ltable_7 ltable_9 ltriang lv lvr2plot lvr2plot_7 m ma mac macr macro makecns man mano manov manova manova_estat manova_p manovatest mantel margin margins mark markin markout marksample mat mat_capp mat_order mat_put_rr mat_rapp mata mata_clear mata_describe mata_drop mata_matdescribe mata_matsave mata_matuse mata_memory mata_mlib mata_mosave mata_rename mata_which matalabel matcproc matlist matlist_10 matname matr matri matrix matrix_input__dlg matstrik mca mca_estat mca_lookup mca_p mca_parse_normalize mcaplot mcaprojection mcc mcci md0_ md1_ md1debug_ md2_ md2debug_ mds mds_classical mds_dataheader mds_display mds_display_classical mds_display_modern mds_estat mds_euclidean mds_id2string mds_modern mds_p mds_parse_cdopts mds_parse_method mds_parse_normalize mds_parse_s2d mds_s2d mdsconfig mdslong mdsmat mdsshepard mdytoe mdytof me_derd mean means median memory meqparse mer merg merge merge_10 merge_wrk_dlg mfp mfp_10 mfx mhelp mhodds mi mi_cmd_add mi_cmd_append mi_cmd_convert mi_cmd_copy mi_cmd_describe mi_cmd_erase mi_cmd_estimate mi_cmd_expand mi_cmd_export mi_cmd_extract mi_cmd_genericset mi_cmd_import mi_cmd_impute mi_cmd_merge mi_cmd_misstable mi_cmd_passive mi_cmd_ptrace mi_cmd_query mi_cmd_register mi_cmd_rename mi_cmd_replace0 mi_cmd_reset mi_cmd_reshape mi_cmd_select mi_cmd_set mi_cmd_stjoin mi_cmd_stsplit mi_cmd_svyset mi_cmd_test mi_cmd_testtransform mi_cmd_unregister mi_cmd_unset mi_cmd_update mi_cmd_varying mi_cmd_xeq mi_sub_expand_flongsep mi_sub_replace0_flongsep mi_sub_reshape mi_sub_stjoin_flongsep mi_sub_stsplit_flongsep mi_sub_xeq_all minbound misstable mixed_ll mixed_ll_reparm mkassert mkdir mkmat mkspline ml ml_5 ml_adjs ml_bhhhs ml_c_d ml_check ml_clear ml_cnt ml_count_eval ml_debug ml_defd ml_dots ml_e0 ml_e0_bfgs ml_e0_cycle ml_e0_dfp ml_e0i ml_e1 ml_e1_bfgs ml_e1_bhhh ml_e1_cycle ml_e1_dfp ml_e2 ml_e2_cycle ml_ebfg0 ml_ebfr0 ml_ebfr1 ml_ebh0q ml_ebhh0 ml_ebhr0 ml_ebr0i ml_ecr0i ml_edfp0 ml_edfr0 ml_edfr1 ml_edr0i ml_eds ml_eer0i ml_egr0i ml_elf ml_elf_bfgs ml_elf_bhhh ml_elf_cycle ml_elf_dfp ml_elfi ml_elfs ml_enr0i ml_enrr0 ml_erdu0 ml_erdu0_bfgs ml_erdu0_bhhh ml_erdu0_bhhhq ml_erdu0_cycle ml_erdu0_dfp ml_erdu0_nrbfgs ml_exde ml_footnote ml_geqnr ml_grad0 ml_graph ml_hbhhh ml_hd0 ml_hold ml_init ml_inv ml_log ml_max ml_mlout ml_mlout_8 ml_model ml_nb0 ml_opt ml_p ml_plot ml_query ml_rdgrd ml_repor ml_s_e ml_score ml_searc ml_showh ml_technique ml_unhold mleval mlf_ mlmatbysum mlmatsum mlog mlogi mlogit mlogit_10 mlogit_footnote mlogit_p mlogit_p_10 mlopts mlsum mlvecsum mnl0_ mopt mopt_check_program mopt_post mopt_quietly mopt_trace mor more mov move mprobit mprobit_lf mprobit_p mrdu0_ mrdu1_ mvdecode mvencode mvreg mvreg_estat mvtest mvtest_chi2test mvtest_corr mvtest_cov mvtest_dups mvtest_ftest mvtest_manotab mvtest_mean mvtest_norm mvtest_samples n nbreg nbreg_al nbreg_lf nbreg_p nbreg_sw nestreg net newey newey_7 newey_estat newey_p news nl nl_7 nl_9 nl_9_p nl_p nl_p_7 nlcom nlcom_p nlexp2 nlexp2_7 nlexp2a nlexp2a_7 nlexp3 nlexp3_7 nlgom3 nlgom3_7 nlgom4 nlgom4_7 nlinit nllog3 nllog3_7 nllog4 nllog4_7 nlog_rd nlogit nlogit_estat nlogit_lf nlogit_p nlogitgen nlogittree nlpred nlsur nlsur_estat nlsur_p no nobreak noi nois noisi noisil noisily note notes notes_dlg novarabbrev nptrend numlabel numlist odbc old_ver olo olog ologi ologi_sw ologit ologit_10 ologit_p ologitp on one onew onewa oneway op_colnm op_comp op_diff op_inv op_str opr opro oprob oprob_sw oprobi oprobi_p oprobit oprobit_10 oprobitp opts_exclusive order orthog orthpoly ou out outf outfi outfil outfile outs outsh outshe outshee outsheet ovtest pac pac_7 palette parse parse_dissim pause pca pca_8 pca_display pca_estat pca_p pca_rotate pcamat pchart pchart_7 pchi pchi_7 pcorr pctile pentium pergram pergram_7 permute permute_8 personal peto_st pkcollapse pkcross pkequiv pkexamine pkexamine_7 pkshape pksumm pksumm_7 pl plo plot plugin pnorm pnorm_7 poisgof poiss_lf poiss_sw poisso_p poisson poisson_estat post postclose postfile postrtoe postutil pperron pr prais prais_e prais_e2 prais_p predict predictnl preserve print pro prob probi probit probit_10 probit_estat probit_p proc_time procoverlay procrustes procrustes_estat procrustes_p profiler prog progr progra program prop proportion prtest prtesti putmata pwcorr pwd qby qbys qchi qchi_7 qic qladder qladder_7 qnorm qnorm_7 qqplot qqplot_7 qreg qreg_c qreg_p qreg_sw qu quadchk quantile quantile_7 que quer query range ranksum ratio rchart rchart_7 rcof recast recode reg reg3 reg3_10 reg3_p regdw regr regre regre_p2 regres regres_p regress regress_estat regriv_p remap ren rena renam rename renpfix renvars repeat replace reshape reshape_10 restore ret retu retur return rm rmdir robvar roccomp roccomp_7 roccomp_8 rocf_lf rocfit rocfit_8 rocgold rocplot rocplot_7 roctab roctab_7 rolling rologit rologit_p rot rota rotat rotate rotatemat rreg rreg_p ru run runtest rvfplot rvfplot_7 rvpplot rvpplot_7 sa safesum sample sampsi sav save savedresults saveold sc sca scal scala scalar scatter scm_mine sco scob_lf scob_p scobi_sw scobit scobit_footnote scor score scoreplot scoreplot_help scree screeplot screeplot_help sdtest sdtesti se search separate seperate serrbar serrbar_7 serset set set_defaults sfrancia sh she shel shell shewhart shewhart_7 signestimationsample signrank signtest simul simul_7 simulate simulate_8 sktest sleep slogit slogit_d2 slogit_footnote slogit_p smooth snapshot snapspan so sor sort spearman spikeplot spikeplot_7 spikeplt spline_x split sqreg sqreg_p sret sretu sretur sreturn ssc ssc_whatshot sspace sspace_estat sspace_p st st_ct st_hc st_hcd st_hcd_sh st_is st_issys st_note st_promo st_set st_show st_smpl st_subid stack statsby statsby_8 stbase stci stci_7 stcox stcox_estat stcox_footnote stcox_fr stcox_fr_ll stcox_p stcox_sw stcoxkm stcoxkm_7 stcoxkm_9 stcrr stcrr_lf stcrre stcrreg stcrreg_p stcstat stcurv stcurve stcurve_7 stdes stdescribe stem stepwise stereg stfill stgen stir stjoin stmc stmh stphplot stphplot_7 stphplot_9 stphtest stphtest_7 stpow stpowe stpower stptime strate strate_7 streg streg_p streg_sw streghet_footnote streset sts sts_7 sts_9 stset stsplit stsum sttocc sttoct stvary stweib su suest suest_8 sum summ summa summar summari summariz summarize sunflower sureg survcurv survsum svar svar_p svmat svy svy_disp svy_dreg svy_est svy_est_7 svy_estat svy_get svy_head svy_header svy_sub svy_sub_7 svy_x svy_x_7 svy_x_p svydes svydes_8 svydescribe svygen svygnbreg svyheckman svyheckprob svyintreg svyintreg_7 svyintrg svyivreg svylc svylog_p svylogit svymarkout svymarkout_8 svymean svymlog svymlogit svynbreg svyolog svyologit svyoprob svyoprobit svyopts svypois svypois_7 svypoisson svyprobit svyprobt svyprop svyprop_7 svyratio svyreg svyreg_p svyregress svyset svyset_7 svyset_8 svytab svytab_7 svytest svytotal sw sw_8 swcnreg swcox swereg swilk swlogis swlogit swologit swoprbt swpois swprobit swqreg swtobit swweib symmetry symmi symplot symplot_7 syntax sysdescribe sysdir sysuse szroeter ta tab tab1 tab2 tab_or tabd tabdi tabdis tabdisp tabi table tabodds tabodds_7 tabstat tabu tabul tabula tabulat tabulate te tempfile tempname tempvar tes test testnl testparm teststd tetrachoric time_it timer tis tob tobi tobit tobit_p tobit_sw token tokeni tokeniz tokenize tostring total translate translator transmap treat_ll treatr_p treatreg treatreg_fix_stripe treatreg_footnote treatreg_restore_stripe trim trnb_cons trnb_mean trpoiss_d2 trunc_ll truncr_p truncreg tsappend tset tsfill tsline tsline_ex tsreport tsrevar tsrline tsset tssmooth tsunab ttest ttesti tut_chk tut_wait tutorial tw tware_st two twoway twoway__fpfit_serset twoway__function_gen twoway__histogram_gen twoway__ipoint_serset twoway__ipoints_serset twoway__kdensity_gen twoway__lfit_serset twoway__normgen_gen twoway__pci_serset twoway__qfit_serset twoway__scatteri_serset twoway__sunflower_gen twoway_ksm_serset ty typ type typeof u u_mi_assert_set u_mi_certify_data u_mi_check_setvars u_mi_curtime u_mi_dots u_mi_estimate u_mi_estimate_chk_commonopts u_mi_estimate_display u_mi_estimate_get_commonopts u_mi_estimate_table_header u_mi_estimate_using u_mi_fixchars u_mi_get_flongsep_tmpname u_mi_getstubname u_mi_how_set u_mi_imexport_fix_pre_suf u_mi_impute_genexpr u_mi_impute_get_cmdopts u_mi_impute_init_em u_mi_impute_initmat u_mi_impute_parse_exp u_mi_impute_parse_exp_ivars u_mi_impute_replace_expr u_mi_impute_xeq u_mi_make_chars_equal u_mi_map_style u_mi_mustbe_registered_imputed u_mi_no_sys_vars u_mi_no_wide_vars u_mi_not_mi_set u_mi_postbv u_mi_prefix_title u_mi_recast_ivars u_mi_save u_mi_sets_okay u_mi_sortback u_mi_tests u_mi_time_diff u_mi_token_mustbe u_mi_trcoef_leg u_mi_use u_mi_xeq_on_tmp_flongsep u_mi_zap_chars unab unabbrev unabcmd unique unzipfile update us use uselabel var var_mkcompanion var_p varabbrev varbasic varfcast vargranger varirf varirf_add varirf_cgraph varirf_create varirf_ctable varirf_describe varirf_dir varirf_drop varirf_erase varirf_graph varirf_ograph varirf_rename varirf_set varirf_table varlmar varm varma varman varmana varmanag varmanage varnorm varsoc varstable varstable_w varstable_w2 varwle vce vec vec_fevd vec_mkphi vec_p vec_p_w vecirf_create veclmar veclmar_w vecnorm vecnorm_w vecrank vecstable verinst vers versi versio version vgcolormap vguse view viewsource vif vwls vwls_p wdatetof webdescribe webseek webuse weib1_lf weib2_lf weib_lf weib_lf0 weibhet_glf weibhet_glf_sh weibhet_glfa weibhet_glfa_sh weibhet_gp weibhet_ilf weibhet_ilf_sh weibhet_ilfa weibhet_ilfa_sh weibhet_ip weibu_sw weibul_p weibull weibull_c weibull_s weibullhet wh whelp whi which whil while wilc_st wilcoxon win wind windo window winexec wntestb wntestb_7 wntestq xchart xchart_7 xcorr xcorr_7 xi xi_6 xmlsav xmlsave xmluse xpose xsh xshe xshel xshell xt_iis xt_tis xtab_p xtabond xtbin_p xtclog xtcloglog xtcloglog_8 xtcloglog_d2 xtcloglog_pa_p xtcloglog_re_p xtcnt_p xtcorr xtdata xtdes xtdescribe xtdpd xtdpd_estat xtdpd_p xtdpdsys xtfront_p xtfrontier xtgee xtgee_elink xtgee_estat xtgee_makeivar xtgee_p xtgee_plink xtgee_robust_epilog xtgee_robust_prolog xtgls xtgls_p xthaus xthausman xtht_p xthtaylor xtile xtint_p xtintreg xtintreg_8 xtintreg_d2 xtintreg_p xtivp_1 xtivp_2 xtivreg xtline xtline_ex xtlogit xtlogit_8 xtlogit_d2 xtlogit_fe_p xtlogit_pa_p xtlogit_re_p xtmelogit xtmelogit_estat xtmelogit_p xtmepoisson xtmepoisson_estat xtmepoisson_p xtmixed xtmixed_estat xtmixed_p xtnb_fe xtnb_lf xtnbreg xtnbreg_pa_p xtnbreg_refe_p xtpcse xtpcse_p xtpois xtpoisson xtpoisson_d2 xtpoisson_pa_p xtpoisson_refe_p xtpred xtprobit xtprobit_8 xtprobit_d2 xtprobit_re_p xtps_fe xtps_lf xtps_ren xtps_ren_8 xtrar_p xtrc xtrc_p xtrchh xtrefe_p xtreg xtreg_be xtreg_fe xtreg_ml xtreg_pa_p xtreg_re xtregar xtrere_p xtserial xtset xtsf_ll xtsf_llti xtsum xttab xttest0 xttobit xttobit_8 xttobit_p xttrans xtunitroot yx yxview__barlike_draw yxview_area_draw yxview_bar_draw yxview_dot_draw yxview_dropline_draw yxview_function_draw yxview_iarrow_draw yxview_ilabels_draw yxview_normal_draw yxview_pcarrow_draw yxview_pcbarrow_draw yxview_pccapsym_draw yxview_pcscatter_draw yxview_pcspike_draw yxview_rarea_draw yxview_rbar_draw yxview_rbarm_draw yxview_rcap_draw yxview_rcapsym_draw yxview_rconnected_draw yxview_rline_draw yxview_rscatter_draw yxview_rspike_draw yxview_spike_draw zap_s zinb zinb_llf zinb_plf zip zip_llf zip_p zip_plf zipfile zt_ct_5 zt_hc_5 zt_hcd_5 zt_is_5 zt_iss_5 zt_sho_5 zt_smp_5 ztbase_5 ztcox_5 ztdes_5 ztereg_5 ztfill_5 ztgen_5 ztir_5 ztjoin_5 ztnb ztnb_p ztp ztp_p zts_5 ztset_5 ztspli_5 ztsum_5 zttoct_5 ztvary_5 ztweib_5 missing double</Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Keywords5" id="20"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Keywords6" id="21"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Keywords7" id="22"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Keywords8" id="23"></Keywords>
                <Keywords name="Delimiters" id="24">00&quot; 01 02&quot; 03` 04 05&apos; 062 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23</Keywords>
                <WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" styleID="0" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="COMMENTS" styleID="1" fgColor="208425" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="3" fontSize="10" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="LINE COMMENTS" styleID="2" fgColor="208425" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="3" fontSize="10" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="NUMBERS" styleID="3" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS1" styleID="4" fgColor="B05800" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS2" styleID="5" fgColor="0000AE" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS3" styleID="6" fgColor="E17100" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS4" styleID="7" fgColor="4040FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS5" styleID="8" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS6" styleID="9" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS7" styleID="10" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS8" styleID="11" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="OPERATORS" styleID="12" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="FOLDER IN CODE1" styleID="13" fgColor="D90000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="FOLDER IN CODE2" styleID="14" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="FOLDER IN COMMENT" styleID="15" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS1" styleID="16" fgColor="950095" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS2" styleID="17" fgColor="D90000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS3" styleID="18" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS4" styleID="19" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS5" styleID="20" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS6" styleID="21" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS7" styleID="22" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
                <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS8" styleID="23" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />

    Example program (the words rename, g, double, etc. should be colored):

    cd "H:\Data\Hospital concentration data"                
    capture log close
    set trace off
    clear all

    insheet using fips_msa_xwalk.txt
      keep fips oldmsa12digitsrural oldmsaname cbsablanksarerural cbsaname
      rename cbsablanksarerural cbsa_code
      rename oldmsa12digitsrural msa_code
      rename oldmsaname msa_name
      rename cbsaname cbsa_name
      g double length = length(cbsa_code)

  • greenappkle

    greenappkle - 2012-11-06

    I'm also noticing that I'm having a syntax issue with one of my comment symbols.  My statistical software program uses the symbol * to comment lines of code.  Previously, Notepad++ only displayed syntax comment highlighting if there was a space after *.  However, now the comment highlighting is displayed regardless of whether there is a space after *.  From the version history, this appears to have be caused by one of the changes made in version 6.2.  Is there a way for me to reverse this again, so comment highlighting only appears if there is a space after *?  The * symbol also represents multiplication in my statistical software program, which I don't include spaces after in my code.

  • greenappkle

    greenappkle - 2012-11-06

    I've figured out what was causing my first issue.  I accidentally had the number 2 listed as a delimeter.  However, I'm still trying to figure out how to re-incorporate a white space into my comment highlighting definition.

  • Loreia2

    Loreia2 - 2012-11-13

    Didn't I answer this few posts before?

    Anyway, this was not a feature of old UDL, it was a limitation, and this limitation was solved with new UDL2.
    The only thing you can do right now, is to downgrade to last version before 6.2., but in the future all delimiters will have extra option "must be followed by white space".

    Keep an eye on UDL2 thread, for more informations about this feature.
