
Loading session as default action?

  • Lazytron

    Lazytron - 2009-09-09

    Is there any way you can assign the default action of a saved Notepad++ session to open as a session (and therefore automatically open all the associated files) and not open the file itself for editing?

    Hopefully that makes sense.

    Thanks in advance.

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-09-10

      1/ define an extension for default files in Settings -> Preferences -> MISC . Let's assume you use "nps++"

      Now open a .nps++ file with Notepad++, and it will do just that. Next you can associate .nps++ files with Notepad++, and then simply licking on the file will load Notepad++ with the files in the session.


    • Lazytron

      Lazytron - 2009-09-10

      Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I tried that before (and again just now) and when I double-click on the saved session (with the .npp++ file extension), it opens the file for editing and does not open any of the associated files.

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-09-10

      However, if you use the "Edit with Notepad++" context menu entry, it does work. If you need to get the same behaviour with a plain double click, you must associate your extension with Notepad++ in Explorer or whatever association manager you have.


    • Lazytron

      Lazytron - 2009-09-10

      That's just it; I do not wish to open the Notepad++ session file for editing.

      As it is now I launch Notepad++ and go to File > Load Session... and then select a previously saved Notepad++ session. I am looking for a way to have this function performed automatically when double-clicking on a saved Notepad++ session file.

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-09-10

      Right clicking on a session file _with the special extension_ and choosing "Edit with Notepad++" does not edit the session file, it loads the corresponding session. Doesn't work for you?


    • Lazytron

      Lazytron - 2009-09-11

      I tried what you just mentioned and got the "Unknown file type" window and chose Notepad++ but again Notepad++ just opened the session file for editing and did not load any of the associated files.

      I could not find any listing for "All unknown files". All text-type files are associated to Notepad++ and nothing is associated to notepad.exe if that makes any difference.

    • Lazytron

      Lazytron - 2009-09-11

      No sir it does not; it opens the session file for editing and does not open any of the associated files.

      That's weird. :\

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-09-11

      I've done even better: double clicking on the file with .sps++ extension brought up the "Unknown file type" system dialog. I selected "Choose rogram", then selected Notepad++ as it was on the list, then checked "Always use for this file type". Now, double clicking such a session file loads the files it refers to in Notepad++.
      This approach _won't_ work with session.xml, because .xml files are already bound to some editor.

      Just a thought. Can you check the file associations in Explorer (or whatever your file manager is)? If there is something associated to "All unknown files", presumably notepad.exe, I'd remove the association.
