
XML Autoformat

  • Jeremy Cunningham

    I just started using this and so far i love it.  I have been an avid textpad user for years.  I like how you display XML,  but was just curious if there is or is plans to add a feature to Auto format XML.  So I don't have to use RegEx to format it the way I like to read it.  Also any plans for C# Language coloring and API for the .Net framework?  Some times I just want to trow some ideas down but don't want to use the HUGE VS.Net... 

    Thanks again for a GREAT editor

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2004-04-28

      > but was just curious if there is or is plans to add a
      > feature to Auto format XML

      Sorry, the answer is no.

      > Also any plans for C# Language coloring and API > for the .Net framework?

      If there're more request for C# lexer, I'll do it.
      But the API itshould be the user to define it so I WON'T do it.

      For more information of api, please see :
