
Compare Plugin Not Aligning Properly

  • Colin

    Colin - 2014-01-25

    Alright I need some help, I recently dl Notepad++ and added the compare plugin feature. It worked for the first couple of columns from an Excel file I am trying to compare, however when I got further into the file Notepad++ started to stop aligning the rows properly. I do not know what happened, I dont remember hitting any buttons or selecting anything differently. I will just copy and paste the information from Excel into Notepad++. Its worth noting that I have Notepad++ on my Virtual PC (Which is XP and it worked without a hitch. But when I installed it on my W7 machine this is what started happening:

    Name |

    Date |

    Birthday |

    SSN |

    Policy # |

    Accident Dt.|

            |Policy #
            |Accident Dt.

    Hopefully what you guys get from this (sorry If I could post a picture in here of what its doing I would) its basically staggering the columns that I am trying to compare, they wont all look like the one above, sometimes there will be chunks of columns staggered throughout the compare plugin. Normally it wouldnt be an issue but I am comparing 4500 rows in excel.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Colin

    Colin - 2014-02-08
