
Macro weirdness in newer versions

  • Thomas Gail Haws

    Since I started using Notepad++ long ago, I have often practiced my usual habit of recording macros that use Repeat search ([F3] in Windows), Copy ([CTRL+C]), and Paste ([CTRL+V]).  This has worked great until recent versions, in which my macros have been failing.  Could something possibly have changed in any of those features that could have broken macro recording or playback?

    • cchris

      cchris - 2009-05-12

      Search actions had been recordable in macros in early versions of NP++. I think that was discontinued aoundv5.2, because the way they were recorded had very undesirable efects.

      I have started trying to bring that back with proper behaviour. This is far from a trivial change. Perhaps Don will beat me to it, or I won't be able to get it working.

      The only option I see right now is to use a keyboard macro recorder like AutoHotKey and use that external macro facility to drive NP++.


    • TGeRi

      TGeRi - 2009-05-11

      Hi Thomas!

      This is the reason I came to this forum today.

      Something is "broken" with macros in NP++ since some versions.

      My example.

      I have:

      I want:

      What was working before:
      - i search for THIS
      - I position the cursor before "a" in "apple..."
      - start recording
      - press F3
      - press delete
      - press enter
      - press end
      - press down arrow
      - press home
      - stop recording

      This macro was doing the trick before but now it isn't. Something has changed.

      What do you think the problem would be?

      Thanks for the answer in advance,
      Greg from Hungary