
Backup Failed


    AZJIO - 2014-03-12

    The Help file says:
    If this path is invalid Notepad++ will backup in the same directory as the file itself.

    I pointed the wrong path and backups aren't created.
    WinXP SP3, Npp v6.5.5 (and v6.5.4 and v6.5.3)

  • cchris

    cchris - 2014-03-16

    Indeed - it may have been the case in a istant past, but isn't nowadays. ill fi the incorrect description.


  • Mick Housel

    Mick Housel - 2014-06-15

    Is there still a way to make the current file directory the place to create the backup folder? As it relates to the file being edited of course.

    edited to add:
    NPP++ v6.6.3


    Last edit: Mick Housel 2014-06-15
  • cchris

    cchris - 2014-06-22

    I just tested under N++ v6.6.6.
    If the Custom backup directory is not in use, and the document is opened from its own folder (for instance using Edit with Notepad++ in explorer's menu) N++ creates the backup on save in the document's folder.
    If the Custom backup directory is not in use, and the document is opened from a different folder (for instance using N++ Open dialog), the backup is not created.
    * If the custom directory is not valid (does not exist), no backup is created.

    The difference of behaviour between the first two items looks like a bug to me and you can report it if confirmed.
