
Function list in NPP 6.5.3

  • GVC

    GVC - 2014-01-11


    I must admit, it's the first time I'm using the function list which is "by default" part of NPP. In the past, I was always using the function list of Jens Lorenz.
    The current version of the function list (part of NPP 6.5.3) is already really good looking. Still, some improvements would be very welcome (I'm mainly referring to cpp files here):
    1. Synchronisation between scrolling through the code and the highlight of the function in the function list.
    2. Clicking (not double-clicking) on a function on the function list should do the same as double-clicking now.
    3. Whenever the content of the source file changes (adding/deleting functions), the function list should be updated automatically
    4. I'm missing the constructors/destructors in the function list. Strange...
    5. Adding the function parameters would be a good idea, especially since you can have multiple functions with the same name, but different parameter list.

    Any chance the above will be part of a future version of the function list?

    Best rgds,

    • Menno Vogels

      Menno Vogels - 2014-01-11

      Nice feature but not essential IMO;

      I can imagine some people would like this. I for one do not, double-click works just fine for me. Might be implemented as an option/setting though.

      Nice feature but again not essential IMO. This might result in constant changes in the list during editing.
      I would rather see an automatic refresh on file save in addition to the already available refresh button.

      #4 & #5:
      These can be accomplished by changing the applicable regular expression(s) in the functionList.xml file. It's open source, feel free to make any changes/improvements but please post them in the forum or as a patch.


    • GravityWell

      GravityWell - 2014-01-25

      I stay with the old version and plugin because of #1 (function not highlighted when moving cursor or updating document). I might be satisfied if there was a keyboard shortcut to refresh the function list, but I don't see any way to do that either.


    AZJIO - 2014-01-12

    1: I use FunctionList.dll, but for different reasons.
    2: Too I want one cliques. The finger is tired of a double click.
    3: If the functions a lot, then after each letter takes one second to process the build list. Of course it's not right.
    4: I do not understand how to specify another group of capture.

    Look at this link-1, link-2
    This works for .au3. I can add a label on the content in line. Captures regions (#Region .. #EndRegion).


    Last edit: AZJIO 2014-01-12
  • angelica

    angelica - 2014-01-26

    Very True too i am tired of the do double click. Thanks

    trucos / juegos

  • angelica

    angelica - 2014-04-18

    Thanks for all


    Last edit: angelica 2014-04-18
  • angelica

    angelica - 2014-04-18

    is True

    un sitio dedica dos a los juegos online y de rpg.


    Last edit: angelica 2014-04-18