
Notepad++ v6.7.4 - Je suis Charlie edition

Don HO
  • Don HO

    Don HO - 2015-01-11

    Je suis Charlie, not because I endorse everything they published, but because I cherish the right to speak out freely without risk even when it offends others.


    • Nargus

      Nargus - 2015-01-30

      Freedom of Expression, much like any action, must come with responsibility to the consequence of their words. Truth can be expressed without insult. Insult, like any aggressive action, should be expressed only by those who is willing to brave the reaction that is reflected back as a consequence of their words.

    • lyravega

      lyravega - 2015-02-13

      Hello Don. I know this is not the right place to post this, but I thought this could be the best way for you to spot this. I upgraded from Npp 6.4.x to this last edition, and loving the new features. Didn't uninstall the last version first, just upgraded it.

      Soon I realized I cannot use commenting features. Doing a bit of research, found out you renamed those actions in Npp 6.5.x, and fixed my problem. Some people may not know what is going on, but I think I'm in a minority here. I thought I should give you a heads up.

      Also, thank you so much for this brilliant program. I've been using it for years, and I just love it.

    • Nauman Hameed

      Nauman Hameed - 2015-02-14

      I love the notepad++ editor but it was disappointing to see you getting involved in an unnecessary controversy. What "Je suis Charlie" stands for is something that hurts millions of Muslims around the world. I do not agree that it is freedom of expression, rather it is irresponsible behavior no matter what name is used to justify that behavior. Yes, it is not good to kill someone, but at the same time it is also not good to use the freedom of expression as a justification for non-sense.

      Look around the world and you will find a lot of horrific things going on. More than 140 school children killed in a Pakistan school, around same number of worshippers killed in a Pakistan mosque, killing of 3 Muslim students in USA, permanent hostage of Palestinians by Israel. How about dedicating a Notepad++ edition for these incidents?

      I hope you will re-think what you are supporting. I do not think "Je suis Charlie" is for freedom of expression, it is just simple irresponsible behavior.

    • Lorenz

      Lorenz - 2015-02-19

      Freedom of expression is like the air we breathe, we don't feel it, until people take it away from us.

      rhetoric? even the syntax is flawed, let alone the semantics. well, breathing actually consist of two phase - in or out. allow me to rephrase:

      freedom of expression is like the air we inhale, we don't feel it, until people take it away from us. BUT we should be wary of what we exhale, espeically onto other's face, even so when we got flu, for example.

      For this reason, Je suis Charlie, not because I endorse everything they published, but because I cherish the right to speak out freely without risk even when it offends others.

      for one reason, he say this. for the rest, i suggest the contrary.

      And no, you cannot just take someone's life for whatever he/she expressed.

      what if s/he intend to kill? yes, word can kill. eg, in a crowded night club when there's blackout, someone shout FIRE!

      thus freedom of expression shall not exempt anyone from the responsibilty to deal with the consquence. hence knowing the boundary of one's freedom equalize showing respect to other's freedom.


      when English grammar is concerned, i insist on my freedom of expression!

  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-01-11

    Hello Don,

    Thank you for the new version.

    It seems that the bug reported here
    depends on DSpellCheck's context menu; - if the plugin is installed, and its context menu items show up, the commands "Copy" and "Paste" are available.
    Otherwise, those commands are grayed-out.

    Je suis CHARLIE.


    Last edit: Yaron 2015-01-11
  • Ashish Kulkarni

    Ashish Kulkarni - 2015-01-11

    Hello Don,

    It seems that you are still bundling NppFTP 0.25 with the default installer, but the latest version is now 0.26.1. Can you update it with the next installer release?

    Ashish (new maintainer for NppFTP).

    Je suis CHARLIE!

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-01-16

      Hi Ashish,

      Nice to learn that you maintain NppFTP.
      Could you point me out where do you release the new version of NppFTP?


  • Max

    Max - 2015-01-12

    Thanx for giving me and some other million users a heart attack with simulating someone writing on your desktop/server :-(


      GAETAN GODIN - 2015-01-15

      I love that automatic typing feature. I looked at the documentation and could not figure out how you did it. Could you please post the steps?

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-01-16


      Sorry about that.
      The most important thing is, now you know that is not a virus or something alike.


    • Robert Sullivan

      Robert Sullivan - 2015-02-09

      Your entitled. So the saying goes "No good FREE deed/app goes unpunished". Like Notepadd++ is really gonna expose a hole (equiv -the size of Rhode Island) open to allow a hack like that.

      Je suis CHARLIE!

  • ZorgeHT

    ZorgeHT - 2015-01-12

    Thanks for good program. It's a pity, that you mess politics withing neutral things, such as text editor. Staying at 6.7.3 for now.

    • Mason Bially

      Mason Bially - 2015-02-01

      I hate to tell you this...

      But the very nature of Notepad++ as free (as in free speech) and open source software is it self a pretty strong form of political statement; read some literature at . Few things in this world are truly neutral, with out the politics the developer of this software believes in this software would probably not exist or be free (and free!) for you to use.


      Last edit: Mason Bially 2015-02-01
  • Yaron

    Yaron - 2015-01-12

    Protesting against the brutal murder of 17 innocent people is politics?!
    May the free world wake up and realize the danger it is facing.

  • Mark Baines

    Mark Baines - 2015-01-12

    Your web site has been hacked by FallaGa Team because of this edition.

  • Schiavini

    Schiavini - 2015-01-12

    Ok, the hacking was totally unnecessary, it only gives more reason for them to hate you. But indeed, this version is ridiculous. Muslims in Europe are being very prejudiced every day, and many in the middle east are being killed. The attacks in France were unjustified and very sad, however they were not about freedom of speech.


    Last edit: Schiavini 2015-01-12
    • Steve Brereton

      Steve Brereton - 2015-01-14

      So they were actually about.... what?

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-01-16

      Hi Schiavini,

      "Muslims in Europe are being very prejudiced every day, and many in the middle east are being killed."

      I could not agree more.
      Hence my statement after hacking of Notepad++ site:

      Once again, it's all about freedom of expression but nothing else.


    • David Bailey

      David Bailey - 2015-02-22

      To all the Muslims here.

      I do realise that the US has stirred up a lot of trouble in the Middle East, and many of us demonstrated for peace before the Iraq war. However, right now, most of the Muslims being killed in the middle east, are being killed by more extreme Muslims!

      The intolerance shown towards those French cartonists, is also shown by ISIS towards many Muslims in the middle east for being gay, or belonging to a different type of Islam, or whatever. Where does that type of extremism stop? Hatred and extremism simply feeds on itself.

      Furthermore, you or maybe your parents chose to settle in the West, and we have some sacred principles too - in particular, freedom of speech.

      I think it might have been better to have created a version of Notepad++ that simply contained a start screen that explained your protest, but I definitely defend your right to this peaceful protest.

  • Mark Baines

    Mark Baines - 2015-01-13

    In light of the fact that the Notepad++ web site was hacked, can we have a reassurance that none of the software has been compromised?

    • Mark Baines

      Mark Baines - 2015-01-15

      Is that a No then?

      • THEVENOT Guy

        THEVENOT Guy - 2015-01-16

        Hello Mark,

        First of all, I wish you an Happy New Year 2015, ...... with Notepad++ !!

        To VERIFY, BEFORE installation, that your downloading, of the 6.7.4 version of Notepad++, is SAFE, follow the steps below :

        • Download the v6.7.4 file, that you prefer, from the link below :

        • On the other hand, from the link below, download the LAST version of the excellent NppCrypt plugin :

        • Extract, from that archive, the NppCrypt.dll file and copy it in the plugins folder of your current Notepad++ installation

        • Start your CURRENT version of Notepad++ ( so prior to the v6.7.4 version, of course ! )

        • According to your previous v6.7.4 downloading, open the 6.7.4 file ( Installer.exe OR npp.6.7.4.bin.7z OR npp.6.7.4.bin.minimalist.7z OR ), in your current version of N++

        • Select ALL contents of that "pseudo-binary" file ( CTRL + A )

        • Select the menu option Plugins - NppCrypt - Hash and click on the OK button

        => At once, the file contents are replaced with a forty hexadecimal digits string, which is the true SHA1 digest control sum of your downloaded file

        • Finally, from the link below, VERIFY that this calculated string is STRICTELY IDENTICAL to the theoretical SHA1 digest ( 160 digits - 40 Hex characters ) of the downloaded file, given by Don HO :

        As for me, I, personally, downloaded the npp.6.7.4.bin.7z file and its SHA1 digest was, as expected, the string


        So, I'm 100 % sure that this file is NOT corrupted !

        To that purpose, read the Wikipedia article, about the SHA1 algorithm :

        Best Regards,



        Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-01-16
    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-01-16

      Thank you Guy for your very detailed (as always) explanation!

      Hi Mark, here's the concerning information:


      • THEVENOT Guy

        THEVENOT Guy - 2015-01-17

        Hi, Don,

        By the way, did you notice that the SHA1 digest ( and, probably, all the other algorithms ) of your NppHash plugin, are wrong, since Notepad++ uses the 3.3.4 version of the SciLexer.dll file :-((

        For instance, with the v6.7.3 version of N++, the NppHash plugin gives, for the npp.6.7.4.bin.7z archive, the wrong SHA1 digest, below :


        If I replaced the version of the SciLexer.dll file by the older version, the SHA1 digest is again, as expected :


        Hope you'll find some spare time to fix that issue !



        P.S. :

        Have a look, too, at my previous post, below. Thanks

      • Mark Baines

        Mark Baines - 2015-01-17

        Thank you Don

  • Steve Brereton

    Steve Brereton - 2015-01-14

    If you're going to add a message, can it NOT appear to be someone writing on the console?

    Being that clever/dumb invites people to run a mile from the app....

    • SomNamNa

      SomNamNa - 2015-01-17

      I enjoyed it, read it as it was being "typed" and thoroughly agree with it.

      Well done NPP people!

  • eincrou

    eincrou - 2015-01-15

    Thanks for all the hard work on Notepad++, but I have to voice my displeasure with the special message of this release. It slowly appears in the editor, as if someone were typing. A tab that loads on first statup with a completed message, similar to loading the change log, would have been acceptable.

    If this route had been taken, I'd still have thought the message was trite, unnecessary, and intrusive. And very ironically, it is also patronizingly offensive to users.

    The message addresses users, "And no, you cannot just take someone's life for whatever he/she expressed."

    I will not be taking anyone's life for disagreeing with me, nor will any other Notepad++ users, I can assure you.

    The people who do commit mass murder do not care about hashtags, million man marches, or special editions of text editing software. They do not have the same moral value system as we do and will not be convinced by anything except superior force.

    Notepad++ simulating a 20 WPM typist crosses the line into unacceptability. No app on my computer ever behaves like this, and so initially my heart jumped upon seeing letters appear one by one. This message gains nothing in strength or impact by appearing letter by letter, in my opinion.

    I have used Notepad++ as one of my essential applications for years, but I must strongly rebuke the authors for their decision to lecture their users not to murder. What's next, telling the user base, which is most likely majority male, not to rape?

    Please, no more lectures or political statements, and no more simulated typing surprises. Thank you.

    • SomNamNa

      SomNamNa - 2015-01-17

      Get a life, "eincrou".

  • Charles

    Charles - 2015-01-15

    Freedom of expression is like the air we breathe, we don't feel it, until people take it away from us.

    For this reason, Je suis Charlie, not because I endorse everything they published, but because I cherish the right to speak out freely without risk even when it offends others.
    And no, you cannot just take someone's life for whatever he/she expressed.

    Hence this "Je suis Charlie" edition.
    - #JeSuisCharlie

    Anybody breathes the air. I can breathe whichever air i prefer, or whoever it may or may not belong to.
    Being a non- clone is just the same as being one, if it goes against your nature.

  • Alex James

    Alex James - 2015-01-16

    Excellent sentiment on the upgrade. Very nicely put. I concur wholeheartedly.


  • Rolling Ball

    Rolling Ball - 2015-01-16

    I support your freedom of expression, there are 2 things I'd like to comment on:
    1. I did not see any warning that this is a special update and there will be strange behaviour when the program starts. I was a split second away from unplugging my Workstation, thinking that there was a malware that came with the update and losing hours of my work and compromising my network.
    2. While I understand that this tool is free and you can do whatever you want, this tool is being used in professional setting by a lot of people and it is not nice to see any personal opinions showing up, even one that a lot of people agree with.

    So next time you want to do a special edition that does strange things, think 10 times before doing it and warn us when you do.

    • Andy_K

      Andy_K - 2015-01-19

      I'm signing this 100%
      Please don't make Notepad++ do any strange things.

      The moment I saw the auto-typing, I brought up Process Explorer and killed that task. Even before I had a chance to read what stood there.
      Then I made a deep inspection of my pc to see, if there had been come along any virus or trojan.

      So, if you would like us to read what you want telling us, please use a normal text-file which opens automatically after the install process is over and Notepad++ is opened the first time after, like you always do with readme/changelog.

      Now I know it is about Je suis Charlie. But I didn't read your statement, because I killed it first.
      Well done.

    • Penryn

      Penryn - 2015-01-20

      You nailed it, thank you.

      Why would anyone think that emulating malware behavior is a good idea?

  • zazas

    zazas - 2015-01-16

    If you guys put propaganda in it, i stop using Notepad++ and start looking for new software (please don't f*ck good software with your politics).


    Last edit: zazas 2015-01-16
    • Mason Bially

      Mason Bially - 2015-02-01

      But the very nature of Notepad++ as free (as in free speech) and open source software is it self a pretty strong form of political statement; read some literature at . Few things in this world are truly neutral, with out the politics the developer of this software believes in this software would probably not exist or be free (and free!) for you to use.


      Last edit: Mason Bially 2015-02-01
  • Alan Parker

    Alan Parker - 2015-01-19

    In reply to some of the comments here, like fom Zazas, I would say that unless we ALL make a stand against intolerance, then it's no good having a programming tool if you are a programmer imprisoned or killed for your views.

    Je suis Charlie is NOT about politics, it's about standing up for something, and against something. Political fascism was bad news in the last century, religious fascism is bad news in this century.

    Thank you for taking a stand, Don.

    "Je suis Charlie."

  • DCliff

    DCliff - 2015-01-20

    Thank you for the new version. I richly enjoyed the surprise message. I am not one to join forums and add commentary. I usually meander about anonymously in the ethers. However, because of recent events and the ongoing assaults on free people, I feel that now is the appropriate time to speak up. This is not politics, these are human rights.

    In the US, the state of New Hampshire, there is a state motto that speaks to an assertive independence historically found in American political philosophy.

    The phrase comes from a toast written by General John Stark, New Hampshire's most famous soldier of the American Revolutionary War, on July 31, 1809. Poor health forced Stark to decline an invitation to an anniversary reunion of the Battle of Bennington. Instead, he sent his toast by letter:

    "Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils."

    Vivre Libre ou Mourir ("Live free or die") was a popular motto of the French Revolution, which the politician Antoine Barnave had engraved on his buttons.

    The point is, freedom always needs defending and is constantly under assualt. Remember this.....polite speech does not need protecting.

    I stand with Don....."Je suis Charlie" "Live Free or Die"

  • Penryn

    Penryn - 2015-01-20

    I created an account to express my frustration with this version. I am all for "Je suis Charlie" but showing malware-like behavior IS NOT APPROPRIATE for this program. Static text similar to the release notes would be much more acceptable.

    Even then, there is a time and place for political activism, but programs like this should not be slowly typing political messages while I freak out wondering if I downloaded a trojan. On top of that your site was hacked.

    Do not do this again. I have lost faith in NP++ because of your cryptic programming shenanigans. Get it together, Don.

  • nl-x

    nl-x - 2015-01-21

    I would like to express my discontent with this "Charlie" version of Notepad++. And I choose to do so in this open discussions forum.
    Not by hacking a site and defacing it.
    And not by disguising it as an important software update and pushing it.

    The message added in this version is an unsolicited political and ideological message. And is as such to be considered as spam. Whether I agree with the message or not...

    Also the means of portraying the message has proved bad taste and judgement. The somewhat Easter-egg approach at first startled me, as I thought my security was compromised.
    I was in the middle of hosting a presentation when the message started being propagated. It was an awkward and unprofessional situation to say the least.

    I sincerely hope the Notepad++ team will reconsider this version as a non-mainstream update that will no longer auto update to all users.

    On the message itself I have the following to say:

    "Je suis Charlie" has become an arena for religious fanatics.
    On one side you have stoical Islamists avenging their Prophet's honour, threatening all those who disobey.
    And on the other side you have your self-righteous Atheists, taking "free speech" hostage to proclaim their right to ridicule and insult.
    I refuse to pick sides between those two. (And I wish my text editor wouldn't pick for me.)

    I am Socrates. I am Erasmus. I am Eminem. I am Bonifatius. I am Vanunu.
    Mais je NE suis PAS Charlie.

    On a side note: You have my compliments for what Notepad++ is as a product. Please keep up that part of good work. Just don't do this again.

  • Rob

    Rob - 2015-01-22

    @nl-x, well put. I neither support the killing by extremists nor the vilification of a faith those extremists believe in. If I were to ride a train in Sydney and say to the face of a Moslem person what Charlie Ebdo says in print, a whole carriage of people would stand behind that Moslem person and denigrate my appalling lack of tolerance for the faith of another. Just because its in print does not suddenly make it OK to do so.

    Some would then offer to ride with Moslems to show support for their freedom of faith.

    If I were to say the same thing as Charlie to an extremist with a loaded gun pointed at my head I would undoubtedly be shot, and whilst it would rightfully be murder, its also intolerant and absolute insanity on my part.

    Its not freedom of speech we need to be shouting about but tolerance of others contrary views.

    Je ne suis pas Charlie

  • Nargus

    Nargus - 2015-01-22

    I'm not even going to say anything about how out of place this is or how ideological statement and personal opinion have no place in professional text editor used by programmers.

    But the moment I saw typing text, I quit the app.

    I don't care how true or false or how important people believe the message to be. It looked like a trojan and acted like a spam. All meaning is lost to me when a message acts that way.

    So yeah, next time open a plain text file if you must. (Actually, don't. No matter how many people say it is not a political statement, it IS in fact one. And I hate all form of politic by principle.)

    • Mason Bially

      Mason Bially - 2015-02-01

      But the very nature of Notepad++ as free (as in free speech) and open source software is it self a pretty strong form of political statement; read some literature at . Few things in this world are truly neutral, with out the politics the developer of this software believes in this software would probably not exist or be free (and free!) for you to use.

  • sarkiv

    sarkiv - 2015-01-22

    I was very disappointed to see this "Je suis Charlie edition". My disappointment has nothing to do with the actual message, opinions or anything. I am disappointed that you used the software as a media. It was brought as an update package without any warning of including this sort of spam. And the automatic typing feature was the last thing that pushed me from being annoyed to being angry. I am actually considering finding another text editor.

    Notepad++ has been a very important tool for my work, and I have much appreciated the professional, no-nonsense style of it. However, embedding personal opinions and agendas, especially in this way, makes the professionality very questionable.

    I hope that another update to remove the "edition" message is being planned.

  • Marc05

    Marc05 - 2015-01-22

    There are two basic points to make against the release:
    - Notepad++ is not a medium for media outside of the program itself.
    - Simulated malware behavior should not be used to portray a public message.

    Freedom of expression is something I believe to be a basic human right. I support the progression of that right by spreading it's awareness. However, I don't believe the current release of the special edition was ideal. The program ultimately belongs to the developer, but one should be aware and courteous to its audience.

  • Tarık Özgün Güner

    Author of Notepad++ You are a shame to open source community as believe "Human Knowledge Belongs To The World" not to a special community. You are shame to computer programmer community that want to discriminate muslim programmers to another ones. You are shame to a technologists that everyone can benefit from a technology without disturbing from anything. You are shame to every aspect of text editor programmers that they believe text editor is only for text editing not more. As a programmer I am ashamed to working with you in same profession.

    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-01-24

      The statement of "Je suis Charlie" edition contains only the content for the freedom of expression, which is about human right, but not a political statement.

      Regarding your "discrimination toward muslims" argument, I suggest you read the following link before judging me:



      Last edit: Don HO 2015-01-24
      • Mike DeBruyn

        Mike DeBruyn - 2015-01-27

        I'm sorry, but "freedom of expression" IS a political position. Human rights constitue a political position. There are many countries in which this is considered a crime and a crime is also indicitive of a political position. So to start with, before you get up on your high horse, you might do some basic reading in philosophy to understand what politics IS.

        Next, what you have been told by a number of people so far is that the problem is not in the CONTENT of your political position, but forcing your political viewpoint on those of us who use this software for purposes of productivity. Simply put, we don't WANT to hear your political rant in the middle of working on a problem. In my own case, I was editing a large file and I got a notice that I should update the software. I allowed it because I am concerned about software releases which might address security problems. Then when the sofware opened I was confronted with a rogue program that was no longer acting as an editor but as malware! In what world do you think that is a GOOD idea?

        For the future, you might consider displaying your politics as a banner on the homepage of your website. Still not a good idea as my politics and yours might not agree, but at LEAST it is not acting like malware on my personal computer.

        Lastly, I happen to agree with your sentiments. I agree for so many reasons ... you probably have not even considered many of them. The difference is that while I may post my opinion on my personal Facebook page, you install malware on MY computer smuggled into a software release.

        Oh, and finally (really this time) I do love your software. You have created a wonderful product that does just about anything anyone could want. I use it to reformat data so that I can move it between applications, as well as to write code. Very nice.


        Last edit: Mike DeBruyn 2015-01-27
        • Mason Bially

          Mason Bially - 2015-02-01

          You know what else is a political position that software should free and open source. This software is free and open source! It's very nature is political. If you go to the website, the first sentence it has there states this political position and the fact the software is free of charge.

  • Oussou

    Oussou - 2015-01-26

    Je ne suis pas Charlie et ne m amerder pas avec message de Charlie... C est ma liberté d'expression. Je me sens Charlie Coulibaly.

  • Ilyas

    Ilyas - 2015-01-26

    It's not graceful to force me to read a message that i'm not agree via an update.
    The notepad team was done a big mistake with this unannounced update for his community, its a treatrise!
    You abused me, your are not a free software like "the air" but you are a PROPAGANDA SOFTWARE like "the poison", and you phising via "GNU Licence" for doing your ugly job.

    • Mason Bially

      Mason Bially - 2015-02-01

      You abused me, your are not a free software like "the air" but you are a PROPAGANDA SOFTWARE like "the poison", and you phising via "GNU Licence" for doing your ugly job.

      When you agreed to the GPL license, by downloading and installing the software, you accept all warranty, but you also gain a number of rights not typically available. If the worst thing this software does is make you read a line of text once, think about what all the software you can't read the source code for might be doing.

  • Bru101

    Bru101 - 2015-01-29

    Bravo Notepad++. Je suis Charlie!

    I guess the detractors of the message are either in support of the murderers or quivering in corners over viruses. Have no fear, most will be in the hourglass business shortly, lol.

    youtube ++ watch?v=UlYClniDFkM


    Last edit: Bru101 2015-01-29
  • Farraz

    Farraz - 2015-02-02

    Just Updated latest version. i am a Muslim and totally agree with the Pope Francis Statement.

    Pope Francis has said there are limits to freedom of expression and that following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris “one cannot make fun of faith”.

    Please understand that you are promoting everyone to make fun of each other religion. Please promote freedom of speech not hatred between religion.

    I am not supporting hatred


  • -- a simple working joe --

    Freedom of expression - "Christianity itself committed horrible crimes back in the day, even the Holocaust and even to this day. Even today, folks are proselytized in parts of Asia and Africa based not on faith but inducements of material benefits. Christianity as practiced by a lot of folks is a heretical religion and one based purely on fear of the unknown, uncertainty of the present and future and outright deception. It is not humanly possible for a virgin to give birth and yet this is believed as gospel. More than likely he was conceived out of wedlock and a story was cooked up to justify the conception as Mary must have feared for her life. What about all the stories of sodomy, selling off girls for goats and cattle as well as incest - all in the name of a God that no one has seen. Other religions' stories and beliefs are belittled and called mythologies whereas any dumb thing found in some cave in Israel or Palestine is considered as evidence of the truth."

    So now, here you go. I will let you know how this freedom of expression thing and calling into question the core beliefs of Christianity is working out.

  • Alex

    Alex - 2015-02-04

    Please understand that provoking terrorism is not better than killing.

    This is demagogy, sorry:

    The point of the message in the "Je suis Charlie" edition is that no one should be killed for any speech, even if disrespectful. This is the core concept of the Freedom of Speech. I believe everyone should agree with it.

    The core concept of the Freedom - of Speech as any else - is that we should have freedom as long as that does not oppress others freedom.
    Think about it.

    Freedom to outrage does not and should not exist.
    When the court and the society denies someone their freedom to be protected from offenses, then no wonder if they will fight for their freedom in other ways.

    I do not support those killings, but if people were explained that they should not outrage others, but still they keep doing that, and a court doesn't stop that, then those poor killers are the last people to be blamed.

    Realize what is a Freedom of Speech and what should you protect.
    If you support terrorism with words and images, but forbid terrorism with killings then you just don't see how they can't be really separated.

    Why would anyone separate them?
    Where should the dividing line be?
    If words and pictures are OK, maybe killing is OK too?
    There were times when that was a prevalent social consensus in Western Europe.
    Maybe killing is OK, only burning whole cities is not OK.
    Or wherever we put that dividing line.
    Why between killing and words?
    Why lives should be cherished and words disregarded?


    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-02-04

      To summarize your message In 2 words: Respect me, or I kill you.

      Sincerely, I hope you are not user of Notepad++, or you just stopped using Notepad++.



      Last edit: Don HO 2015-02-05
  • jfran

    jfran - 2015-02-04

    Hi Don
    thanks for the new feaures in the 6.7 up versions npp.
    But I want to turn on the indent syntax in my own UDL language.
    Example: I have own UDL, and want to turn on indedent schema like in c++,java for the my UDL, How can i do it ?


    Last edit: jfran 2015-02-04
  • fakeraol

    fakeraol - 2015-02-05

    Don, i'm with you at
    "The point .. is that no one should be killed for any speech, even if disrespectful"

    I go further: no one should be harmed or physicaly attacked for any speech.

    But: to approve multiple "collateral damage" by using the sharp sword of satire like a butcher instead like a surgeon is not, what i want to advocate. I do not belive, that all the islamic People, who protest now against the caricatures, are fanatic islamists.

    I do not belive, that you accept or even advocate verbal attacks here in the discussions. I belive, that you stand for a respectfull social intercourse.

    There is the right of free speech, but there is too the right, to be respected in al your cultural and personal oddities. All the evil starts with disrespect: war, terror, brawl, .. and all the evil grows, as long as dumb People cry for revenge.

    I want nobody to be killed or to be harmed, not by weapons und not by words.


    THEVENOT Guy - 2015-02-05

    Hi fakeraol and All,

    I 100% agree with your post Fakeraol.

    From time to time, I read the different points of view of the N++ v6.7.4 Je suis Charlie Edition discussion. Some seems rather categoric, some others more conciliating. I also wanted to let know my own opinion and your post give me the opportunity to do so. As I'm French, I apologize, in advance, for my approximative English !

    So, for instance, how do we behave when we visit some near friends ? Well, we generally try :

    • To conform to the habits of our friends

    • To avoid some subjects which could hurt them

    • And, generally speaking, to have a correct attitude which, both, shows :

      • That we feel great esteem for our friends

      • That we do understand that their way of life, their opinions, their hobbies, their goals, their hopes are as important as ours, not more but not less, too !

    So, this attitude should be exactly the same, when we talk to or meet any people, all over the world ! Finally, the KEY word is, simply, RESPECT :

    • Respect for nations and minorities

    • Respect for cultures and religions

    • Respect for young and old people

    • Respect for animals and plants

    • Respect for our earth and its environment

    ( Of course, I admit that I'm the first who, sometimes, forgets to follow these sensible rules ! )

    You may think that this reasoning is quite simplistic but, often, simple things are important things !

    On the other hand, just think about the chance we have, of helping each others, about our common interest : Notepad++. I'm personally very glad when I'm able to post right informations and I never care about the origin of the people I answer to ! Knowledge must be shared everywhere :-)

    I do like this maxim of a French moralist ( I can't remember his name, even after searches on the WWW !! ), in the eighteenth century :

    We must light up consciousness, not to compel it ( in French : Il faut éclairer la conscience, pas la contraindre )

    Try to do a nice thing this day : you'll brighten up the Earth !

    Good day to everyone,

    Best Regards,



    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2015-02-05
  • Rok

    Rok - 2015-02-09

    You're "Charlie"? Basically a scumbag who ridicules sacred figures of other people's religions and profits from hate speech? Why is it so easy to join hate speech when it is targeted against the current era's black duck (Muslims today)? First, the black duck was the Africans (they called them "negros"? Today that's racism), then it was the Jews (today that's anti-semitism), and now it is the Muslims (and nobody seems to realize there's a word for it, yet: Islamophobia). If anyone did the same exact thing with Jews or Judaism, millions would've screamed "Antisemitism!", and thousands would've been disgusted with Charlie Hebdo. But just because the attack is against Muslims and Islam (this era's black duck), scumbags like you, Notepad++ developer, are joining the bandwagon, declaring themselves the same as the Islamophobic pieces of trash who work at Charlie Hebdo. Well, from today, I'm never using Notepad++ again, and I'm speaking against its developers in every opportunity that arises. Have fun supporting Islamophobia, under a false banner of "freedom of speech" that suddenly seems to be taken down when there's "racism" or "antisemitism" in any speech.

    And here is an article for any other ignoramus who declares themselves Charlie:

  • Rok

    Rok - 2015-02-09

    Here's a page with alternatives, much better alternatives for those also looking to stay away from this Islamophobic cesspit (and anyone who only remembers so-called "freedom of speech" when it has to do with hatred against Muslims, and can't dare support freedom of speech when it has to do with antisemitism or racism, is surely a hypocrite and a double-standards Islamophobic scumbag...when was the last time you published a Notepad++ edition with a message of solidarity for the victims of raids in Gaza, O' Noble Developer? Are we EVER going to see a Notepad++ v7.0 - Save Gaza? Didn't think so):

    And like many others, I recommend:


    Last edit: Rok 2015-02-09
    • Don HO

      Don HO - 2015-02-09

      No problem if you want to change editor, there are a lot of editors available under windows.
      But before judging me Islamophobic, please check the news:



      Last edit: Don HO 2015-02-09
      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2015-02-27



        Charlie is an islamophobic symbole for many people. It's a non sense to proclaim that you use it only for "freedom of speach". You made a very big mistake and a big offense to a lot of people using your software.

        With this mind you can also make a nazi version with whatever purpose you want.

        For you stupidity I will never use your software again like Rok, I will deploy an alternative on our 250 computers.

  • yunak

    yunak - 2015-02-10

    Thanks Don.
    This is a great free editor.
    I use it everday almost. I will use it in the future.

  • Solomon Wilde

    Solomon Wilde - 2015-02-12

    I've stopped using Notepad++ because of this unwelcome intrusion of naive politics. Ok yes killing people is wrong - where was the Gaza edition last summer? Before we even get into whether this is false flag or even somewhat deserved. Can we just keep clear of the whole sorry mess?

    Did these heroes of yours lampoon the truly scary security state we now live in where even habeas corpus has been repealed?

    How about really standing up for freedom.

    Yes - you are a proper Charlie

  • Plazma

    Plazma - 2015-02-17

    when trying to html:xt or .div or any shortcode to autocomple its not working and after closing the program always getting this error :

    Microsoft Visual C++ - Runtime library
    Runtime Error!
    Program: notepad++.exe
    Pure virtual function call

    Notepad++ 6.7.4
    Zen Coding Python Plugin installed
    PythonScript_1.0.8.0 installed

    windows 8.1 64 bit
    i74712mq - 8gb ram

  • StanE

    StanE - 2015-02-20

    I personally, don't have any problem with this special edition. I'm not involved that much into the discussion about what happened there. And I think that the decent logo is absolutely ok. But I can understand some people getting a little bit worried if their favourite text editor starts to write automatic political related texts on their screen. I think that is a little bit too much. Maybe it would be a good idea to keep personal opinions separated from software in future releases and instead put them on a website or a blog or something like this. The automatic writing - regardless of it's content - just confuses and scares people which is unnecessary, imho. But again, I personally have no problem with this.

  • jmiller1

    jmiller1 - 2015-02-20

    Crap. I'm not allowed to use Notepad++ at work anymore. I used the editor for many years and still using it privately. But my boss was in the office, exactly after I updated Notepad++. He saw this auto text and was so confused about it, that he told me that I have to switch to a "more serious program". I'm really not joking here. And it's not funny. I told him, that Notepad++ is open source and reliable and that this was just a small gimmick related to the events in France. But unfortunately, he has no sense of humor or just don't understand it (I'm sure he's not using Notepad++). Long story short, I have to use some crappy editor in the office now. And I hate it. :-(

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2015-02-27

      Your boss took the right decision, I also take that decision as a sysAdmin.

    • Scott R

      Scott R - 2015-03-08

      he has no sense of humor or just don't understand it (I'm sure he's not using Notepad++). Long story short, I have to use some crappy editor in the office now. And I hate it. :-(

      wow I think if you can't change editors it is time to change jobs

  • Mike

    Mike - 2015-02-21

    Currently in most of Europe the laws are one-sided.

    Can we have a Maurice Sinet version,

    and a Fredrick Töben version.

    If so, then Notepad++ will truly represent free speech rather than just mirror a populist misconception.

  • FreeBird

    FreeBird - 2015-03-05

    There is freedom of speech and there are manners to speak. Don't let one kill the other.

    Freedom of Speech: You are an idiot and I hate you because of what you've said.
    Manners to speak: I don't think I agree with you.

    See the difference ?

    downgrading for now.


    Last edit: FreeBird 2015-03-05
  • Ilya S. Zharskiy

    We are NOT Charlie, so what should we do?

    Skip only this version OR refuse of using program at all - now and forever.

    Be exact please - either only minor version (v6.7.4) is Charlie or all branch (v6.7.x) will be Charlie?

    Because i disdain this dirty jewish deviation of freedom of speech

  • Ilya S. Zharskiy

    i updated to 6.7.5 - it is free from manipulative jewish propaganda

    thank you

    the soft is excellent again

  • CvP

    CvP - 2015-04-13

    NPP always was the meh editor. Pathetic code completion, garbage syntax highlighting etc. Instead of spending time on those, spend time on ghost typing to promote political bullshit.
